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CBS News, Release The Full Kamala Harris Interview Transcript Now



CBS News was once one of the defining news outlets in the world. Whether it was Edward R. Murrow reporting live from London during the Blitz in World War II or Walter Cronkite’s coverage of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, generations of Americans turned to CBS for fair, accurate reporting on the most important issues of the day. 

No longer.

CBS News now stands accused of deliberately distorting its news coverage for nakedly political purposes, to prop up Kamala Harris’ flailing presidential campaign by attempting to hide her inability to answer even simple questions about her policy positions and how she would act if elected president. 

How badly skewed was CBS’s coverage of its interview with Harris, broadcast to the world on “Face the Nation” and “60 Minutes?” Well, last week, the nonprofit group Center for American Rights (CAR) filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission alleging deliberate news distortion, a violation of FCC regulations and a half-century of precedent. 

In this complaint, CAR lawyer Daniel Suhr contends that the evidence of illegal news distortion by CBS could not be clearer: In two different news programs, CBS broadcast the same question, followed by two very different answers from Harris, resulting in a situation where “the general public no longer has any confidence as to what the Vice President actually said in response to the query.” This goes well beyond mere editorial oversight of an interview — picking what to include and what not to include — and

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Trump’s McDonald’s Stop Exposes Corporate Media’s Contempt For The Working Class



In predictable fashion, America’s morally and ethically bankrupt legacy media are melting down over former President Donald Trump’s visit to a McDonald’s franchise this past weekend.

The media-wide freak-out started shortly after the former president, donning an apron and his signature red tie, worked alongside McDonald’s staffers in Feasterville, Pennsylvania, on Sunday. While cooking french fries, Trump greeted customers at the drive-through and poked fun at Kamala Harris’ unsubstantiated claim she once worked at the popular fast-food chain.

“I’ve now worked for 15 minutes more than Kamala,” Trump said.

While the GOP nominee, franchise workers, and customers appeared to have enjoyed the experience, that hasn’t stopped America’s hack-tastic “journalists” from launching a seemingly coordinated smear campaign against Trump and McDonald’s.

On Monday morning, Newsweek’s Khaleda Rahman ran a hit piece against the Feasterville franchise for hosting the former president. Titled “McDonald’s Donald Trump Worked at Failed Last Health Inspection,” the article shows how Rahman went out of her way to obtain documents purportedly indicating the restaurant “failed its last health inspection.”

The Newsweek national correspondent also parroted leftists’ talking point that the campaign stop was a “stunt” because the Secret Service reportedly vetted drive-through customers beforehand to ensure the safety of the former president, who’s been the intended target of two assassination attempts. She also placed the onus on Trump to prove Harris never worked at McDonald’s, rather than on the vice president, who has yet to provide such documentary evidence.

But Rahman was hardly the only “reporter” to

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Desperate Swing-State Democrats Scramble To Align Themselves With Trump As Harris Sputters



How does a Democrat senator hang on to his seat when voters are leaning Republican? If you’re 17-year incumbent Sen. Bob Casey, D-Penn., you start running advertisements aligning with former President Donald Trump.

Leftist scumbag Bob Casey — who supported BOTH impeachment hoaxes and votes with Kamala 100% of the time — is now desperately trying to embrace President Trump.

Pennsylvanians know he’s a shill for Kamala’s deranged, radical left agenda — and always will be.

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 18, 2024

Same thing if you’re 11-year incumbent Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., who is also running ads framing Trump as her buddy.  

ANOTHER ONE: Radical leftist Tammy Baldwin is also tying herself to President Trump in her latest ad — without mentioning Kamala at all.

She knows Wisconsin is TRUMP COUNTRY!

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 18, 2024

The feeling is not mutual, with Trump calling Baldwin a “Radical leftist senator.”

Baldwin must have noticed a change in the wind to suddenly align with Trump because in September she was seen on video calling Trump the “most offensive, and hateful, and unacceptable presidential candidate we’ve ever had.”

“What does that say about the people who support him?” she added.

“Imagine being Kamala Harris and changing the channel from President Trump’s epic performance at the Al Smith dinner only to see … swing state Senate Democrats embracing President Trump’s historic record in their ads,” Republican National Committee Spokesman Gates McGavick told The Federalist. “Thankfully

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Michelle Obama Should Have Served French Fries At McDonald’s



Former President Donald Trump served McDonald’s French fries two days after the Wall Street Journal published a feature on the Republican nominee’s new crusade to “Make America Healthy Again.”

“Trump Adopts RFK Jr.’s War on Junk Food to Win Over His Fans,” the headline read.

Fast-forward to Sunday, when Trump greeted customers at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s drive-thru and passed out goodie-bags of the industry’s most iconically-addictive “junk food.”

Several online X users said the split images reflected an inherent contradiction between Trump’s endorsement of efforts promoting sound nutrition and his championship of the fast food menu.

The images of Trump, however, proudly parading as a presidential mascot of Ronald McDonald show why a Trump-led initiative to reinvigorate health and wellness holds potential to be far more successful than former First Lady Michelle Obama’s.

There might seem like a contradiction between “Make America Healthy Again” and Trump’s shift at McDonald’s, but there’s not.

Obama recruited a bunch of celebrities to lecture Americans about vegetables. Trump can acknowledge the problem without wagging the nanny-state finger.

— Tristan Justice (@JusticeTristan) October 21, 2024

In 2010, the Obamas did what Democrats always do: recruit Hollywood talking heads to participate in elite-driven initiatives compromised by corporate actors. Michelle Obama’s signature program, “Let’s Move,” was launched as Americans were growing more aware of ever-expanding child waistlines. By 2009, nearly 17 percent of children aged 2-19 were obese, representing a striking increase from just 5 percent in 1971, according to the Centers

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