
Canadian Parliament Gives Standing Ovation To A Literal Nazi While Zelensky Pumps His Fist In Solidarity



The Canadian Parliament gave a standing ovation to a literal Nazi on Friday, in case you’re wondering how the West’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is doing lately.

Led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and visiting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the assembly offered a standing ovation to Yaroslave Hunka, a Ukrainian Nazi who fought in World War II as part of one of the infamous Waffen-SS units. Zelensky even pumped his fist multiple times in solidarity with the former Nazi fighter.

Speaker Anthony Rota introduced Hunka and even thanked him for his service, vaguely describing him as “a Ukrainian Canadian war veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians.” The admission that Hunka fought against the Soviets, who were allied with the United States against the Nazis for the majority of the war, probably should have been a hint.

Hunka’s Waffen-SS unit, which was comprised of ethnic Ukrainians, has been “accused of killing Polish and Jewish civilians, and [was] visited by SS leader Heinrich Himmler in 1944,” according to the Independent. Himmler, arguably Adolf Hitler’s No. 2 and the man responsible for centralizing the Nazis’ system of concentration camps, formed the Waffen-SS force that would become infamous during the war. Multiple Waffen-SS units were “proven to have committed numerous war crimes, most notoriously at Oradour-sur-Glane, Marzabotto and in the Malmedy massacre,” notes the Jewish Virtual Library.

The Canadian Parliament was justifiably berated for celebrating the Nazi veteran as a “Ukrainian hero and

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