
Can Joe Biden Breathe New Life Into His Presidential Corpse In Time For 2024?



After dawdling long enough to cause speculation that he might not seek a second term, the president finally announced his intention to run for reelection in late April. Since that time, very little of his daily calendar has been set aside specifically for fundraising or campaign events. Even without the threat of Covid looming as it was during 2020, the Biden team appears to be following the same “bare-bones” playbook.  

The question now, of course, is when he will actually leave office. As a senator in the ’90s, Biden predicted he would be “dead and gone” by the year 2020. Instead, he was running for the presidency while remaining largely holed up in his Delaware home to avoid catching Covid. For a man infamous for his verbal gaffes, 2020’s pandemic lockdowns provided Joe Biden’s campaign team the perfect excuse for keeping their candidate hidden away.

Like it or not, Joe Biden’s presidency has been transformational for the country. In wide-ranging policy initiatives that have included Covid mandates, government-directed censorship, the opening of America’s borders to an unprecedented flood of illegal immigrants, “green” energy-induced inflation, a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, race-based policy preferences, and an infusion of “transgender” ideology across public institutions, this administration continues to remake America in consequential ways. 

If President Biden is a mere marionette, then the puppet master offstage and in charge must be exhausted from putting on such a show! Even Ol’ Joe might be surprised to learn how much he has accomplished.


CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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