
By Refusing To Acknowledge The Jab’s Risks, Trump Helps The Covid Cult Evade Accountability



Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly declined to acknowledge the documented side effects associated with the Covid jabs, even as evidence mounts that the shots were not as safe or effective as their manufacturers advertised them to be.

When conservative commentator Sebastian Gorka brought up the issue last Thursday, noting that some of Trump’s supporters want him “to distance yourself from the vaccines,” Trump changed the subject, pointing to the injections’ accelerated approval under Operation Warp Speed and his opposition to jab mandates.

“I have a friend who’s, believe it or not, he tends to be liberal and he said, ‘Why don’t you ever talk about the fact that you had the vaccines approved in nine months instead of 12 years?’ Five to 12 years they said it was going to take,” Trump claimed. “The big thing was there were no [vaccine] mandates.”

Similarly, in an interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier last week, Trump pivoted away from the issue, again noting Operation Warp Speed and referencing a “Democrat friend” who told him, “You may have saved in the world, throughout the world, 100 million people, and you never talk about it.”

It remains unclear what data Trump is relying on to claim Covid shots saved 100 million lives — a contention the former president has made several times before.

Last week’s interviews weren’t the first instances of Trump sidestepping the shots’ significant side effects, either. The former president sparred with Daily Wire host Candace Owens over the safety

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