
By Gagging Trump’s Political Speech, Judge Chutkan Put The First Amendment On Trial



Our Founding Fathers separated from England because their God-given rights were being trampled by an imperious king. Read all about it in the Declaration of Independence. And when you’re done, send a copy to federal Judge Tanya Chutkan. She imposed an unconstitutional gag order against former President Donald Trump that stops him from criticizing certain government officials — namely the judge herself and the Biden Justice Department officials bringing the charges against him.

When Lady Justice removes her blindfold and uses it to gag the speech of a citizen dragged into court by his political opponent’s henchmen, the scales of justice clatter to the floor. You can love or hate Trump, you can think him guilty or innocent, but if his fundamental rights can be stripped in the bright glare of a worldwide spotlight, just imagine what can be done to you in a desolate courtroom in your community. 

Judges and prosecutors can affect the life of any given American much more directly than a president can. Yet elections or appointments of judges receive roughly the same amount of voter attention as a car alarm droning in a distant parking lot. Their influence is now on display.

Trump finds himself ensnared in more legal challenges than a centipede has legs. Many Democrats will claim he brought them on himself. Many Republicans express concern at how much government bandwidth is being focused on the one person most likely to unseat President Joe Biden, who is — not coincidently — the ideological comrade of

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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