
Buttigieg Admits Democrats’ Abortion Extremism Frees Men Up To Be Sexual Degenerates



Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is rooting for Vice President Kamala Harris to win the 2024 election because he says preserving the dismemberment of babies in the womb makes men “more free” to sow their wild oats without strings or responsibility attached.

The admission came during a “White Dudes for Harris” campaign call on Monday night. In an attempt to rally the estimated 190,000 online participants to throw their cash and votes at Harris come November, Buttigieg confirmed the vice president plans to keep her extreme abortion agenda, which includes the radical push to legalize ending life in the womb through all nine months, at the front and center of her campaign.

“Yes, women’s freedom is Exhibit A after Donald Trump demolished the right to choose,” Buttigieg began.

The Biden cabinet member’s biggest admission, however, was declaring to the Zoom room of “white dudes” that men are the true beneficiaries of every Democrat regime that endorses abortion in every form and fashion through birth.

“Men are also more free in a country where we have a president who stands up for things like access to abortion,” Buttigieg said. “Men are more free when the leader of the free world and the leader of this country supports access to birth control.”

The so-called “freedom” Buttigieg references here is the ability of unmarried men to have recreational sex with whomever they want but avoid becoming tied to the results of that degeneracy thanks to the proliferation of birth control

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