
Blue America Is Where The American Dream Dies And Anarcho-Tyranny Thrives



The city of Oakland, Calif. is billing small business owners for using public safety services after defunding its police department. The California city is clearly more concerned with accommodating criminals than those who make an honest living.

In a video recently shared by Almadea County supervisor candidate Chris Moore, a restaurant owner explains he received an invoice from the city after a police check-in following a robbery.

BREAKING: City of Oakland now invoicing small business owners after being burglarized.

Snail Bar Owner Andreas: “this is the definition of being kicked while you’re down.” This is the third time Snail Bar has been broken into.

Oakland Council President Nikki Bas, after you… pic.twitter.com/ZjCsVzVY2P

— Chris Moore for Supervisor (@Chris_Moore4Sup) January 21, 2024

“They came one hour after we got robbed,” the small business owner said. “They walked through and put up a piece of wood with duct tape.” 

“For the city to not only fail to protect…small businesses but on top of that give us an invoice for doing the work that they did seems fully irrational… It’s literally the definition of kicking someone when they’re down,” he said.

It’s no wonder hundreds of businesses and hundreds of thousands of residents have fled California in recent years. The state that not all that long ago was a middle-class utopia has become filthy, dangerous, and too expensive for anyone between vagabond and multimillionaire. And it’s all by design.

[Read: How Democrats Like Gavin Newsom Got Away With Devastating The Greatest State In

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