
Black Kids Suffer Most When Anti-White Racism Corrupts Family Courts



Ugandan-born Peter Mutabazi made national news recently because he adopted three white children in Charlotte, North Carolina, who needed a home. The press treated Mutabazi like a hero. It’s an unconventional family, this black father admitted, but it works. His explanation? “Love transcends racial differences.” 

In family courts across the nation, however, love does not transcend skin color if the adoptive parents are white. The door only swings one way. So-called anti-racism, which manifests as anti-white racism, has invaded child welfare to a startling degree. Unlike policing, university hires, or medical training, what happens in family courts is usually a quiet affair, far removed from the public eye. That makes foster care children the perfect tabula rasa for the left’s experiment in social engineering where skin color is the dominant and deciding factor.

Racist woke ideology in family courts is a huge red flag. For over 30 years, the Multi-Ethnic Placement Act (MEPA) has made it illegal to place vulnerable children in homes on the basis of race, but those laws are now often flouted by activist judges and social workers, causing children to get caught in the revolving door of foster care as courts search for a match by tribe or skin color. As a result, a little girl or boy’s hopes for adoption into a lasting family fade away, one broken attachment after another.

‘Anti-Racism’ Penalizes the Kids It Claims To Help

The story often plays out like this one in North Carolina. True was born to a

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