
Biden’s Snubbing Of U.K. Candidate For NATO Chief Is A Huge Mistake



The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, better known by its acronym NATO, has had something of a banner year.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the alliance has welcomed two new members — Finland and Sweden (pending final approval) — and has united admirably in supporting the Ukrainian military. NATO members have contributed weapons systems, ammunition, training, and intelligence to the Ukrainian cause, greatly aiding its effort to repel the Russian invaders. The leadership of nations like the United States, the United Kingdom, the Baltic states, and Poland has made this possible, bringing along some of their more reluctant counterparts (ahem … Germany) for the ride.

Now via the appointment of a new NATO leader, we have the chance to reward that faction, while also protecting American interests in Europe and allowing us to take a smaller role on the continent. Unfortunately, the Biden administration has discarded this historic opportunity to reorient American foreign policy in a more forward-looking direction by rejecting the best man for the job.

The candidates for NATO secretary general, an important coordinating and messaging position currently held by Norway’s Jens Stoltenberg, are typically taken from the ranks of the European political elite. Stoltenberg was the Norwegian prime minister, while his predecessor, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, was the PM of Denmark. Stoltenberg was a solid NATO leader, as he was a uniter and did a good job of trying to promote greater defense spending and coordination within the alliance. But his tenure has

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