
Biden’s Pick For Joint Chiefs Chair Made ‘Diversity’ And ‘Inclusion’ Focal Points In Air Force Personnel Decisions



President Joe Biden’s purported pick to head the Defense Department’s Joint Chiefs of Staff previously indicated that divisive “DEI” ideology would influence U.S. Air Force personnel decisions.

For context, diversity, equity, and inclusion (often abbreviated to DEI) is a divisive and poisonous ideology dismissive of merit to discriminate based on characteristics such as skin color and sexual orientation. Individuals who qualify for a certain position due to their merits but don’t meet the discriminating entity’s goal of being more “diverse” are passed over in favor of those who meet the preferred identitarian standards.

Late last week, various outlets reported that Biden tapped Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown to replace U.S. Army Gen. Mark Milley as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In March 2020, Brown received a nomination from President Donald Trump to become the Air Force’s top general after previously serving as the commander of Pacific Air Forces. He was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate later that year.

When pressed by Politico for comment on Brown’s nomination, a National Security Council representative declined to confirm such reports, saying, “When President Biden makes a final decision, he will inform the person selected and then announce it publicly.”

While legacy media’s coverage of Biden’s decision has largely been devoted to Brown’s skin color and the “history-making” nature of his alleged nomination, a deeper dive into Brown’s past reveals efforts by the general to advance “DEI” ideology throughout the U.S. Air Force. In November 2020, Air &

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