
Biden’s DOJ Threatens Election Offices: Cleaning Voter Rolls May Be ‘Discriminatory’



As we approach the 2024 election, states across the country are removing thousands of noncitizens from their voter rolls.

Yet amid a surge of millions of immigrants across our borders, Democrats seem intent not only on undermining these state-led efforts, and leaving the election system vulnerable to potentially unprecedented noncitizen participation, but on threatening those acting to protect our republic from foreign election interference.

The Biden-Harris administration has also led opposition to the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, requiring that voters provide documentary proof of citizenship, and enacted Executive Order 14019, under which federal authorities are allegedly working to register and mobilize Democrat-leaning voters, including even criminal illegal aliens.

The Justice Department’s (DOJ) recent guidance, trumpeted by the administration’s progressive allies, addresses “limits on when and how jurisdictions may remove voters from their voter lists.” Three aspects of the guidance are problematic.

Failing to Give Guidance on Preventing Illegal Voting

The first is that the DOJ feels compelled to emphasize prohibitions on state efforts to remove ineligible voters — just days away from the earliest start of early voting — rather than encouraging states to avail themselves of all resources necessary to identify ineligible voters and reminding states of their responsibility to remove them. The implication is that the nation’s chief law enforcement agency is more concerned with policing the efforts of government officials to clean the voter rolls than that the voter rolls may be dirty — this despite states having found ample evidence of impropriety.

They also

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