
Biden’s Corruption Is Everything The Corporate Media Hoped To Get Out Of The Trump Administration, So They Won’t Cover It



Every day, investigators uncover potential evidence that President Joe Biden sold out the country for personal gain, yet even when on full display, the corporate media refuse to call out the Democrat’s corruption, deliberately choosing to ignore the scandal.

“Sir, there is something personal that’s affecting you. Your son, while there’s no ties to you, could be charged by your Department of Justice. How will that impact your presidency?” MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle twice asked the president on Friday during one of his rare sitdown interviews.

“First of all, my son has done nothing wrong. I trust him. I have faith in him. It impacts my presidency by making me feel proud of him,” Biden replied.

Biden’s nonchalant dismissal of Hunter’s long history of hedonism and criminality is problematic for several reasons. But far more shocking than his redundant affirmation of his not-so-prodigal son was the question that led the president to that answer.

Just this week, Republicans Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. James Comer subpoenaed the FBI over a document they say alleges a criminal scheme between now-President Joe Biden and a “foreign national” during his years in the Obama White House.

The allegation that Biden appears to be implicated in an international bribery scheme is merely the latest piece of evidence uncovered by GOP legislators investigating whether Biden sold out the American people to the nation’s foreign enemies to line his own pockets. So far, Republicans have warned it “doesn’t look good for POTUS.”

The latest

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