
Biden’s Careless Migrant Sponsor System Sends Kids Into Slavery



Mexico’s criminal cartels view unaccompanied migrant children as “the product,” and the Biden administration treats them as such. Our current immigration system is a modern-day slave trade.  

We can applaud The New York Times for finally exposing the left to the Biden administration’s indifference to the exploitation of migrant children. The paper’s report on migrant child labor gives a good start, but it fails to show the whole picture.  

The NYT reporter, Hannah Drier, focuses on children, but the exploited includes everyone — men, women, and children — lured into the United States by promises of a better life, only to be trapped in modern-day slavery. Drier wrote at length about White House Cabinet officials, such as Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, Domestic Policy Director Susan Rice, and even Vice President Kamala Harris, who have failed to protect migrant children from unsafe and inhumane conditions.  

The article said not a word about sex trafficking — about the ruined lives of young girls and women who never make it to honest work in a poultry or furniture factory, as they were promised. Under the cartels and America’s careless administration, they are used and abused in the sex trade until they are reduced to nothing.  

Other children and young adults are being forced into the grueling labor of meatpacking, agricultural, and hospitality jobs not mentioned in Drier’s article. America’s unaccompanied and unchaperoned minors are a bonanza for human traffickers.  

There is no American dream under the Biden administration. There is only victimization and abandonment. I touched

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