
Biden’s Border Invasion Will Bolster Democrats’ Electoral College Majority



At noon on Jan. 20, 2021, President Biden took the oath of office. What do you think he did in his first 12 hours? He signed an executive order titled “Executive Order on Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Census.” That is government speak for directing the Census Bureau to count all illegal aliens when the census is taken.

Every 10 years, when the census is conducted, the population numbers are used to redraw congressional district lines so that they generally have the same amount of people in each district across the country. The more people counted, the more congressional seats a state receives. So if you are a state like California losing population, you lose seats in Congress. If you gain population, like Texas, you gain congressional seats. The number of congressional seats also directly relates to the number of electors each state can send to the Electoral College. More population equals more congressional seats. More congressional seats equal more votes in the Electoral College.

To the Democrats, this is simple math — sovereignty and public safety be damned. I’ve listened to many Texans ask in exasperation: When will enough be enough? When will there be enough illegal immigration, enough crime, and enough handouts of “free” phones, plane tickets, hotels, and cash for noncitizens who enter this country illegally? Is it 7 million more or maybe 20 million more? I believe the answer to that question is 270. That is the number of electoral

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