
Biden VA Instructs Providers To Promote Abortion, Avoid Saying ‘Mother’ And ‘Baby’ In Leaked Video



The Department of Veterans Affairs teaches its so-called health care providers to encourage abortions, instructs that men can get pregnant, and recommends against congratulating a pregnant woman, a leaked training video initially obtained by the Post Millennial revealed. The federally funded training further portrays abortion as beneficial for expectant mothers, and childbirth as more dangerous than having an abortion, while perpetuating the myth that abortion restrictions represent a “long history of reproductive injustice in this country.”

The video outlines preferred terminology, much of it sourced from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, that clearly glorifies abortion and erases women. The offensive framing instructs that instead of “pregnant woman,” the approved term is “person who is pregnant.” Instead of “baby” or “unborn child,” medical providers are supposed to say “fetus” or “embryo.” “Mother” is replaced by “person.”

The video openly admits that the most common reasons women give for seeking abortions aren’t life-threatening circumstances, as the abortion boosters in the media pretend, but reasons of convenience. At the top of the list, 40 percent of women who sought abortions cited “not [being] financially prepared” and 36 percent said it was “not the right time for a baby.” Twenty percent of women said they chose abortion to ensure their babies didn’t “interfere[] with future opportunities.”

Case studies featured in the training, like one about a woman named Jada who was seeking an abortion, are presented in language designed to scare women away from keeping their babies. Jada wanted

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