
Biden Lies From Debate Stage About Democrats’ Abortion-Until-Birth Extremism



President Joe Biden used several of his sleepy moments on Thursday’s presidential debate stage to lie about Democrats’ vehement support for killing unborn babies through nine months of gestation.

“We are not for late-term abortion. Period. Period. Period,” Biden insisted.

President Biden, angered by Trump highlighting infanticide, breaks from Dems on abortion: “We are not for late term abortion. Period. Period. Period.”

Trump: “Under Roe v. Wade, you have late term abortion. You can do whatever you want, depending on the state. We don’t think… pic.twitter.com/tmPRkPK1Sd

— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) June 28, 2024

Yet when asked by partisan hacks like CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash whether he supported any restrictions on abortion, Biden named none. Instead, he claimed his baby-killing beliefs are rooted in Roe v. Wade, which was overturned last June.

Biden’s abortion philosophy goes far beyond an unconstitutional and defunct SCOTUS ruling, however. The Democrat has spent a large chunk of his four years in office touting policies that give Americans the legal license to murder unborn babies at any point in pregnancy via painful dismemberment or mail-order pills.

Why won’t Crooked Joe name a single restriction he supports on abortion-on-demand?

Because he doesn’t support ANY RESTRICTIONS on abortion-on-demand until BIRTH. pic.twitter.com/nv7M1GdSgD

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 28, 2024

Biden’s lying did not deter former President Donald Trump, who repeatedly identified Biden’s position as wildly unpopular

“We think it’s a radical thing. Democrats are the radicals, not the Republicans,” Trump said.

A majority of

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