
Biden Insults Bronze Star Veteran In Bona Fide ‘Suckers And Losers’ Scandal



President Joe Biden loves to pretend that his political rival former President Donald Trump hates U.S. troops. A transcript of a recent strategy call between Biden and several Democrats — including one Bronze Star congressman — however, suggests it’s the 81-year-old who has shown true contempt for veterans.

The exchange published in Puck documents Biden lashing out against members of the New Democrat Coalition after they questioned his disastrous debate performance and chances of a 2024 reelection. Rep. Jason Crow, a former Army Ranger who received a Bronze Star Medal for his role in the 82nd Airborne Division, received the bulk of Biden’s wrath after he “asked about the importance of national security to voters.”

The president then launched into a screed detailing why he believes Crow is “dead wrong on national security.”

“You saw what happened recently in terms of the meeting we had with NATO. I put NATO together. Name me a foreign leader who thinks I’m not the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy. Tell me! Tell me who the hell that is! Tell me who put NATO back together! Tell me who enlarged NATO, tell me who did the Pacific basin!”

The clincher came when Biden demanded Crow “Tell me who did something that you’ve never done with your Bronze Star like my son.”

While Biden did not repeat the lie that Beau Biden (who earned a Bronze Star after serving in Iraq) died in Iraq, as he has claimed several times before, the president

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