
Biden Grandchild No. 7 Magnifies The Male Privilege Of Joe And His Boy



Every time the sun sets without President Joe Biden acknowledging his seventh grandchild, his masculinity becomes more — what’s the word? — toxic.

Thanks to a quiet settlement a few weeks ago, the president’s son dodged a paternity trial that was scheduled for July 23, meaning Sunday will come and go without much hullabaloo. And while this is surely a relief to the president, the child-support settlement doesn’t make grandchild No. 7 go away.

To hear any of the Bidens tell it, they are one big happy family with a total of six grandkiddos who are all loved. “I have six grandchildren, and I’m crazy about them. I speak to them every single day,” Biden said in April.

Before that, the first lady dedicated her 2020 children’s book “To my grandchildren,” with a list of six names. According to The New York Times, which cited two people familiar with the matter, in White House strategy meetings, the president’s aides are instructed that Joe and Jill Biden have six grandchildren, not seven. And at Christmas time, the Bidens meticulously placed six personalized stockings atop the White House mantle as a tribute to their posterity: Naomi, Finnegan, Maisy, Natalie, Beau, and Robert Hunter Biden II.

But what about Roberts? As in Navy Joan Roberts, 4-year-old daughter of Robert “Hunter” Biden the First. The presidential family not only fails to accept or acknowledge her — they go out of their way to reinforce the completely false idea that they have

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