
Biden Business Partner Claims Joe Wasn’t Involved After Telling The FBI He Was



“Joe Biden was never a part of anything we did,” Hunter Biden’s former business partner Rob Walker told the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees during a closed-door interview in late January. While Walker remained adamant on that point, the transcript of his testimony released on Tuesday calls into question the veracity of Walker’s claims and further cements the influence-peddling case against Joe Biden.

On Jan. 26, Walker sat for a transcribed interview as part of the House’s impeachment inquiry. The questioning began with Walker telling the committees he believed “the allegations against the President and his son are unfounded.”

“To be clear, President Biden, while in office or as a private citizen, was never involved in any business activities we pursued. Any statement to the contrary is simply false. Hunter made sure there was always a clear boundary between any business and his father, always,” Walker continued.

However, Walker’s claim can’t be squared with the evidence — or even with his prior testimony.


The first inconsistency came early on during the two-hour-plus interview, when House investigators confronted Walker with the statement he had made to investigators on Dec. 8, 2020. On that day, one IRS and one FBI agent went to Walker’s house in Arkansas to question him as part of the criminal probe into Hunter Biden. Unbeknownst to Walker, the agents were recording their conversation — the transcript of which the House Ways and Means Committee has released.

During that interview, the FBI agent asked Walker whether

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