
Biden Appeasing Radical Democrats At Home Means Abandoning Allies Abroad



Since the Hamas barbarism of Oct. 7, the Biden administration has been torn on its response. In the immediate aftermath of the attack that killed more than 1,000 Israelis, plus more than 30 American citizens, and led to the kidnapping of hundreds more, the White House talked a big game in support of Israel’s right to defend itself.

American carrier groups were sent to the region, the administration’s rhetorical backing was strong (especially from National Security Council spokesman John Kirby), and Israel’s war plans were largely met with American approval, if tepidly. But as the leftist chorus against Israel’s righteous war on Hamas has grown louder and more belligerent, including constant false and malicious accusations of genocide, the White House has begun to shift course.

Angry pro-Palestinian protests have been taking over cities and campuses across the country since last October, with their bellicosity only increasing over time. They have attempted to shut down traffic in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles, among others. They have engaged in vile antisemitic chants, attacked pro-Israel counter-demonstrators, and carried posters with genocidal imagery and messages. Jews, Zionists, and their supporters have been assailed in the streets with little in the way of police protection or legal action. Some of these assaults have led to significant injuries or even death.

The Biden administration itself has been targeted by these violent protests, as has Congress, but instead of steeling the White House in support of Israel, they have eroded its already

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