
Beware Of Bureaucrats Wanting To Be Your BFF



What if I told you to trust the feds to help you deal with your feelings of loneliness and social isolation? I hope you’d laugh in my face.

These are the same folks who demanded you self-isolate, hide your face, and stay in your house for years after saying Covid lockdowns would last only 15 days. They threatened our livelihoods and freedom to travel if we didn’t take their untested injections. They also urged us to shun and snitch on any loved ones who resisted the Covid propaganda. And now they are demanding we trust them to help us alleviate our loneliness epidemic?

So I hope you’re alarmed to learn that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been charged with curing the nation of its loneliness epidemic. Seriously.

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Ct., recently introduced the National Strategy for Social Connection Act. Among other things, the bill would create a new bureaucracy: a federal “office of social connection policy” to advise the White House. If you think it will end there, I have a lovely bridge in Wuhan to sell you. In fact, the urge to federally monitor human relationships looks like it’s becoming a trend. The United Kingdom created its Ministry of Loneliness in 2018. Japan followed suit in 2021.

The Other Shoe Has Dropped

Murphy’s legislation is the sound of the other shoe dropping after Surgeon General Vivek Murthy released in May an 81-page advisory titled “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Social Isolation.” Here at The

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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