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Audit: Oregon Registered Even More Potentially Ineligible Voters, Bringing The Total To More Than 1,500



Oregon’s Department of Motor Vehicles recently found its “motor voter” system registered even more voters who failed to prove eligibility — totaling more than 1,500 — following previous discoveries that a gap in the system had placed noncitizens on the voter rolls. 

Even Democrat Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade, who defended the system in the past, called for an independent audit alongside Democrat Gov. Tina Kotek, according to a press release. The governor announced Monday she would pause the automatic voter registration at the Oregon DMV until completion of a more thorough review.

When Oregonians 16 and older apply for a permit, driver’s license, or ID with documents that prove American citizenship, the DMV sends their information to the secretary of state’s office, which registers them to vote through the “motor voter” system.

But according to the DMV “after action report” released yesterday, this system had three major flaws: a technology glitch, DMV workers recording documents like foreign passports and birth certificates as American, and the system treating residents of the territory American Samoa as citizens since 2016. 

This resulted in the state registering more than 1,500 potential noncitizens to vote. The state is unsure of their citizenship status, but found they did not present the proper documents when registering at the DMV, according to Monday’s release.

“The DMV’s after action report raises serious concerns about this important part of our voter registration system,” Griffin-Valade said in the release. Still, she claimed that “these new errors will not impact the

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Kamala Harris Stands By Big Lie That Joe Biden Is ‘Capable’ Of The Presidency



NBC News aired a one-on-one interview with Kamala Harris on Tuesday night in which the current VP and Democrat presidential candidate reiterated her big lie that President Joe Biden — who was forced out of the race after corrupt media could no longer deny his mental incapacity — was and is fully “capable” of performing the duties of his office.

“Can you say that you were honest with the American people about what you saw in those moments with President Biden, as you were with him again and again, repeatedly in that time?” asked interviewer Hallie Jackson after noting that Harris “defended him in the days before and in the days after” the disastrous June debate while campaigning alongside him. 

“Of course,” Harris said. “Joe Biden is an — extremely accomplished, experienced, and capable in every way that anyone would want if they’re president. Absolutely.”

When Jackson probed whether Harris had ever witnessed Biden functioning as poorly “behind closed doors” as he did on the debate stage over the summer, Harris repeated the obvious lie that “it was a bad debate. People have bad debates.” He was just having an off night, folks.

Americans know that’s a lie — as do Harris and Jackson and the rest of the Democrat Party — because there would have been no need for a Democrat coup to overthrow the party’s incumbent if Biden’s cognitive performance could be explained as one “bad debate.” His age and cognitive function were already subject to scrutiny four

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There Is No Good Reason For Voters To Not Expect Results On Election Night



Election chiefs from three important swing states recently went on cable news to make excuses about why they won’t have the election results on Election Day — even though this has been the norm in America for decades and is still the norm in many much larger states.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson was asked Sunday on CBS News’ Face The Nation how “quickly” she expects to get the results, and she responded, in part, by saying: “I would estimate, end of the day on Wednesday [November 6], as the best guess on how we’ll perform.”

There is no good reason for such a delay, yet election officials in the post-Covid era are pushing the delays we saw during the 2020 election as the new norm.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who also joined the show on Sunday, said that because of a recently passed state law governing how elections are administered, “all early votes and all early accepted ballots, they all will have to have their results reported by 8pm. That’s 70, maybe even 75% of all the vote totals will be reported no later than 8pm on election night.”

So why can’t Georgia report its election results on election night? As Raffensperger said, the state “will be waiting for … overseas ballots that come in no later than Friday [that week], and so those will then be the final numbers. And we’ll just see if that makes the difference in the total vote totals.”

Why would

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Sister Of Deceased Soldier Blasts The Atlantic For Latest Anti-Trump Fabrications



Jeffrey Goldberg, editor-in-chief of far-left propaganda outlet The Atlantic, published an article Tuesday with glaring fabrications about former President Donald Trump’s interactions with the families of fallen service members and his outlook on military leadership.

Goldberg’s dishonest hit piece is the latest in a long line of far-left outlets lying and deceiving the American people before a major election.

Mayra Guillén, the sister of fallen soldier Vanessa Guillén, whose family was featured as proof in Goldberg’s piece, slammed the outlet and Goldberg for exploiting her sister’s death.

“Wow. I don’t appreciate how you are exploiting my sister’s death for politics — hurtful & disrespectful to the important changes she made for service members,” Mayra stated. “President Donald Trump did nothing but show respect to my family & Vanessa. In fact, I voted for President Trump today.”

Mayra’s comments come after Goldberg claimed that Trump displayed “contempt, rage, parsimony, racism” at the thought of helping the Guillén family pay for Vanessa’s funeral. Vanessa was bludgeoned to death by another soldier at Fort Hood, Texas, and her family was invited to the Oval Office to meet with Trump. Her death was also the impetus for military reforms for women at bases at the state and federal levels.

According to Goldberg’s article, upon hearing that the funeral cost $60,000, Trump said, “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a f-cking Mexican!” and told Mark Meadows, his chief of staff at the time, “Don’t pay it!” The Guillén family is of Mexican origin.


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