
Are We Forgetting?: Prosecutors Consider Plea Deal For Suspected Architects Of 9/11 Attacks



On Monday, Sept. 11, for the 22nd consecutive year the names of the 2,977 innocent souls, murdered by 19 Muslim extremist terrorists who skyjacked four American airplanes with the express purpose of inflicting as much damage as possible against people, property, and the body politic, will be read.

The reading of those names will only be interrupted by the peal of bells serving as a reminder of the exact time the dastardly deeds of evil were perpetrated. But most of us need no reminder — we bore witness to these homicidal tragedies and lost friends and/or loved ones. Undoubtedly there isn’t a person who was alive on that fateful Sept. 11, 2001, who hasn’t a connection to that day and who doesn’t carry the scars of history with them.

For the 22nd year, we will pay homage and respect to the fallen who were murdered by Muslim extremist terrorists on that clear, crisp, Tuesday morning when the screaming airplanes permeated the sunshine, and penetrated their steel and glass targets, plunging the world into darkness and chaos.

But are we forgetting?

On August 23, 2023, less than three weeks ago, news outlets reported that the “architect of 9/11 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and fellow co-conspirators may be spared the death penalty under a new plea deal being considered by the federal government.” They would plead guilty — actually admit their guilt in exchange for having their lives spared.

How, after 22 years, does this piece of human debris still breathe air? For

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