
Appointing Weiss Is Just Part Of DOJ’s Plan To Save Face In The Scandalous Hunter Biden Investigation



The corrupting and compromising Biden family’s international influence-peddling scheme is among the most epic scandals in American history, but the Biden Justice Department’s cover-up of the Bidens’ associated crimes is rapidly emerging as an epic scandal in its own right.

The latest leg of that scandal comes in the form of Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of U.S. Attorney David Weiss to special counsel in the very Hunter Biden “case” his office has sabotaged.

Garland’s elevation of Weiss was rightly panned by many as outrageous on its face. Could there be anything more egregious than putting this uniquely conflicted fox in charge of the henhouse? Weiss was the very man who had led the faux investigation and sham prosecution of Hunter Biden in the first place that, having culminated in a collapsed plea deal, compelled Garland to empower a special counsel to bring charges elsewhere.

The appointment was made in violation of the special counsel regulations requiring unimpeachable appointees who come from outside the government to boot.

If for no other reason than the “optics” of it, one would think Garland would have followed the rules in appointing an “independent” special counsel to handle a crooked probe of the president’s son, concerning crimes tied to the monetizing of the president’s past office, led by the president’s Justice Department.

But then, Garland has many circles to square, and at least one reason to make Weiss the mop-up man in a long-running Justice Department conspiracy to obstruct justice for Hunter Biden

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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