
Anti-Asian Leftists Manifest The Very Racism They Claim To Oppose



The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that race-based college admissions are unconstitutional. The ruling is in line with public opinion: Both Pew Research’s survey before the court’s decision and an Economist/YouGov poll after the verdict confirmed that most Americans (including black and Asian Americans) support banning affirmative action in college admissions. Many Americans celebrated the end of affirmative action as an important step toward eliminating racial discrimination and achieving equality for all in the United States. But the woke left has targeted Asian Americans who supported the ruling with racially charged rhetoric and outlandish false accusations.

NBC and CBC denigrated Asian American plaintiffs in the two Supreme Court cases on affirmative action as “pawns” or “tools” used by white supremacists because both cases were led by the conservative activist Ed Blum, who is white. NPR accused Asian Americans who supported ending affirmative action of being radicalized by “the promise of proximity to whiteness and power.” The Nation outdid all other leftist media outlets with the most outrageous claim that Asian American conservatives are “key allies” and “militant co-conspirators” of white supremacists.

Some leftists directed their bigotry at individual Asian Americans. For instance, Yiatin Chu, a parent of New York City public school students, was viciously attacked on Twitter after she shared a celebratory message with her daughter on Twitter. The Atlantic writer Jemele Hill tweeted at Chu, “Can’t wait until she reads that you gladly carried the water for white supremacy and stabbed the folks in the back whose people fought diligently for Asian American rights in America.”  

By ridiculing Asian Americans as

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