
America’s Anti-Truth Media Are The Face Of Regime-Approved Propaganda



After helping leftist oligarchs nuke Joe Biden’s reelection bid, it’s become evident the primary mission among America’s regime-approved media is to erase any trace of Kamala Harris’ extreme policy positions and failures as vice president.

Having started the week claiming she wasn’t Biden’s border czar to now asserting she never raised money to bail out Black Lives Matter rioters, the legacy media lies designed to boost Harris are becoming too numerous to count. These “reporters” have even attacked those highlighting how she was picked as vice president due to her sex and race and downplayed her record as one of the most liberal senators in the Senate.

The mistruths have been so shameless they make Lyin’ Biden seem like an honest fella.

[READ: The Media Won’t Tell You Political Corruption Defined Kamala Harris’ Affair With Willie Brown]

Now that Joe Biden is out of the race, the media are pretending Kamala Harris was never the border czar.

Even though they had no problem calling her that before Biden dropped out. pic.twitter.com/sOApru6yF8

— MRC NewsBusters (@newsbusters) July 24, 2024

But Americans shouldn’t consider these press-induced vanishing acts surprising. Everything these so-called “journalists” are doing aligns with their track record of running interference for Democrats.

These are the same media hacks who gave us the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the Brett Kavanaugh rape hoax; the Trump-Charlottesville hoax; the “suckers” and “losers” hoax; the Ukraine impeachment hoax; the 2020 election was the “most secure in history” hoax; the “bloodbath” hoax; the

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