
Americans Hit With Record-High July 4 Cookout Costs Thanks To Biden’s Rampant Inflation



Americans hosting Fourth of July cookouts will face record grocery prices due to rampant inflation under the Biden administration. 

A new report from the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) found that a 10-person cookout that includes items like cheeseburgers, chicken breasts, pork chops, homemade potato salad, strawberries, and ice cream would run up a $71.22 bill. This marks a five percent increase from last year, an almost 30 percent increase from five years ago, and a record high for the organization’s annual survey.

“Your grocery bill may be a shock, but it is in line with the inflation that has roiled the economy — including the farm economy — over the last several years,” wrote AFBF economists Bernt Nelson and Samantha Ayoub.

Prices of individual goods have increased dramatically nationwide, with some items seeing a “year-to-year double-digit increase.”

The report found that two pounds of ground beef now cost $12.77 on average, an 11 percent increase from last year. One half-gallon of ice cream now costs $5.65, up seven percent from last year. The cost of lemonade has increased by 12 percent, and the costs of porkchops and potato chips have both increased by eight percent.

The AFBF report from 2021, Biden’s first year in office, reveals that the same 10-person meal costs $59.55. The total bill has increased by $11.67 under the administration’s catastrophic inflation.

“Higher prices at the grocery store reflect a number of challenges facing America’s families. Lower availability of some cookout staples and inflation are

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