
America Isn’t The First Empire Doomed By Open Borders



No subject is as central to America’s future and no subject gets to the heart of the failure of our current regime more than immigration policy. As a result, few subjects are as riddled with taboos in their public discussion. What will happen when the ethnic composition of large parts of America is transformed in ways America’s European founders never could have foreseen? And in the interim, what will happen to whites as they continue to lose political power amid their shrinking proportion of the population, as anti-white rhetoric and actions accelerate?

Whether or not you believe that “demography is destiny,” these fundamental demographic questions cannot simply be papered over with happy talk. The reality is that the white population, and thus the white voting share of the population, is rapidly diminishing. The fact that whites and “whiteness” are so frequently publicly demonized in a country with a current white voting supermajority does not inspire confidence in how society is likely to treat whites when they are a much-diminished minority.

There is a graphic T-shirt that’s popular in “Indian country” and on some left-wing college campuses. It comes in several versions, but the most popular has several Native Americans in traditional dress hoisting rifles while looking sternly at the camera. “Homeland Security: Fighting Illegal Immigration Since 1492,” it reads. Another version with the same picture says, “We should have built a wall.”

I chuckled the first time I saw one of these shirts. It’s a clever slogan on its own

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