
Alvin Bragg Kicks Off Another Frenzied Lawfare Trial With Weakest Case Against Trump Yet



The weakest of the four politically motivated criminal cases against former President Donald Trump goes to trial on Monday, as the left’s lawfare season heats up. 

Legal experts on both sides of the political coin agree that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s trumped up case against Trump stretches to snapping the thin legal premise the Democrat is pushing. No reasonable jury in America would convict anyone of the charges laid out against the Republican Party’s presidential candidate, nationally recognized attorneys say. 

But this is New York City. With four liberals per square inch, Trump could expect a more impartial jury pool in Havana. 

“If Alvin Bragg had charged Donald Trump with illegally eating a ham sandwich, they would find him guilty,” constitutional law expert Hans von Spakovsky told me this week. “He is going to get a totally biased jury.” 

How did we get here? Short answer: Politics. Longer answer, a pornography peddler and a “novel legal theory” that metamorphosized a bogus state misdemeanor charge of falsifying business records into an incredible federal election law felony. Thirty-four separate felony counts, to be precise, carrying a maximum combined sentence of 136 years in prison. 

Bragg, who on the campaign trail bragged about suing Trump “more than a hundred times” gets the first crack at the left’s No. 1 political enemy on the criminal charges front. And the Democrat prosecutor is throwing everything he’s got — even if he’s got very little — at Trump to deliver a prosecution against President Joe

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