
Alec Baldwin’s Criminal Charges Driven By Legal Facts And His Own Public Arrogance



Alec Baldwin does not know Proverbs 16: “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

The movie star allegedly shot and killed his cinematographer, and then pridefully declared in TV interviews that he will never be criminally charged. Baldwin, who was both the lead actor and producer for the movie “Rust,” haughtily blamed his employees for not checking if his gun was loaded with live ammunition. He blamed the victim, Halyna Hutchins, for telling him to point the gun at her. He told the sheriff he never pulled the trigger, but FBI forensics proved that was a lie.

Baldwin’s fall came on Thursday when the Santa Fe district attorney’s office announced he will be charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter. His destruction could be a jury conviction for the top felony charge, which would send him to jail for a five-year mandatory sentence.

“The fact that Baldwin went on an immediate public campaign to exonerate himself and went on ABC News and said he didn’t do anything wrong — that definitely factored into the prosecutor’s decision,” Dennis Postiglione, an Austin attorney who is suing Baldwin for defamation and other charges on behalf of a fallen Marine family, told me in an exclusive interview.

“Baldwin just killed someone he knew. And he did all of these interviews, didn’t cry, and thumbed his nose at the state — saying he would not be charged,” Postiglione said. “If that had been you or me, I think charges would

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