
Alec Baldwin Baffled That He, Not The Gun, Will Be Charged With Manslaughter



District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies announced plans on Thursday to charge actor and anti-gun activist Alec Baldwin with two counts of involuntary manslaughter in the fatal shooting of Halyna Hutchins on the set of the Western movie “Rust.” Baldwin is responsible for pointing the gun at Hutchins and failing to make sure the gun and supposedly dummy ammunition were properly checked, according to prosecutors.

Despite his blatant disregard for gun safety, Baldwin is bewildered punishment has been levied against him, with his attorney claiming the charges are a “terrible miscarriage of justice.” As an anti-Second Amendment activist who has a habit of demonizing the gun in criminal shootings instead of the person pulling the trigger, Baldwin is probably perplexed that he, not the weapon itself, is being slapped with criminal charges.

According to Baldwin, everyone and everything are to blame for the shooting, except himself. To skirt responsibility, Baldwin has insisted that staff told him the weapon was unloaded and even that he did not pull the trigger (a claim the FBI forensic report stated is implausible). Yet even if Baldwin’s gun had fired without him pulling the trigger, Baldwin would still be at fault for failing to follow safety protocol.

As John R. Lott Jr., president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, writes, “The first rule of gun safety is you don’t point a gun at something unless you intend to shoot it. Even if you believe the gun is unloaded, you don’t point it directly at others.” Baldwin failed

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