
After Overseeing Weaponization Of Government Against Trump, James Comey Frets Trump Could Weaponize Government



Former FBI Director James Comey, who played a key role in the Russia collusion hoax, hasn’t given up on his dream of keeping President Donald Trump from the Oval Office.

For nearly 10 minutes on Sunday, Comey and former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki fantasized on MSNBC about the bureaucracy-led campaign to fell their common archenemy, Trump.

“Can you envision a scenario where Trump managed to win back the White House, and justice is delayed?” Psaki asked.

“I could. I don’t want to, but I could. I mean, it’s this crazy world that Donald Trump has dragged this country into, but he could be wearing an ankle bracelet while accepting the nomination at the Republican Convention,” Comey said. “It would be rejected if you put it in a script for a show, but you could have a president who is potentially incarcerated when he’s elected president.”

Comey, who proudly and loudly supported Biden for president in 2020, spent the rest of his time on air fearmongering about the damage a second Trump term could wreak on the nation.

“Think about what four years of a retribution presidency might look like,” Comey said. “He could order the investigation and prosecution of individuals who he sees as enemies, are on the enemies list, because the president constitutionally does oversee the executive branch entirely. Which includes the Department of Justice, prosecutors, and investigators.”

“President Trump could say I don’t care what the Supreme Court says or these district judges say, I’m telling

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