
Abortion And Pro-Life Constitutional Amendments Duel On Nebraska Ballots This Fall



Democrats have successfully forced extremist abortion policies onto the November ballot in 10 states. Only voters in Nebraska, however, will have the clear-cut chance to reject unpopular abortion until birth in favor of enshrining popular limits to ending life in the womb in the Cornhusker constitution, thanks to the recent certification of dueling pro-abortion and pro-life ballot measures.

Nebraskans certainly face an uphill battle against a Planned Parenthood and American Civil Liberties Union-led coalition that hopes to kill the state’s current 12-week abortion limit with a constitutional amendment that would “provide all persons the fundamental right to abortion without interference from the state.”

The ballot text claims this “right” is only permitted “until fetal viability.” Still, it leaves the interpretation of “viability” up to the subjective judgment of a health-care practitioner, who can continue ending life in the womb at any point if he claims the baby will not live or the mother’s undefined “health” is at risk.

The amendment, if passed, would no doubt give abortion giants like Planned Parenthood a free pass to execute life in the womb at any point in pregnancy without any fear of state retribution. Lawsuits in states that have enacted similar constitutional amendments such as Ohio suggest that the text could easily be construed to rid Nebraska of safeguards such as requiring parental consent for minor girls seeking abortions.

All hope to stop those desperately trying to transform the Republican-controlled state from a pro-life safe haven to an abortion-for-all hellscape, however, is not lost.

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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