
A Practical Guide To Protecting Our Children From A Decadent Culture



To say that contemporary Western culture is not family-friendly would be something of an understatement. Rather, it’s positively hostile to families.

Whether it’s popular entertainment, schools, politicians, or even one’s neighbors, parents and their children are regularly pushed into terminal dysfunction. Virtue is derided while vices are celebrated; confusion and contradiction frequently overwhelm decency and common sense; and the feeling of optimism and commitment to excellence are now smothered by widespread anxiety and nihilism. As one would expect in such an environment, marriage and birth rates continue to plummet with little hope of recovering.

Of course, it’s a different story for the conservatives. Unlike their Democrat peers, conservative couples are far more likely to marry and have kids — and far less likely to feel bad about it. However, this puts them at odds with contemporary culture and presents more than a few challenges for raising their little ones. While some conservative families will find ways to shut out bad influences and go off the grid (i.e. the Benedict Option), everyone else is searching for ways to adapt to today’s circumstances.

To that end, conservative mothers Katy Faust and Stacy Manning have written a practical guide on how to survive, and even thrive, in today’s sick culture in their fittingly titled new book, Raising Conservative Kids in a Woke City: Teaching Historical, Economic, and Biological Truth in a World of Lies. Living in Seattle, one of the nation’s “wokest” cities, and being accomplished writers in their own right, Faust

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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