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WI Elections Regulator Faces Records Lawsuit On Same-Day Voter Registration Guidance



The Badger State’s troubled election regulator continues to have a transparency problem. 

The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) is facing possible court intervention for its refusal to turn over records related to guidance that WEC issued to local election clerks about same-day registration safeguards. 

According to a lawsuit filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), the commission issued updated guidance in February 2023, but has stonewalled PILF’s records requests seeking communications about the creation of the guidance for “at least 397 days.” 

“Same-Day Voter Registration is already a vote now verify later system,” J. Christian Adams, president of the election integrity watchdog, said in a statement. “Wisconsin is adding more uncertainty to its election process by hiding election records. Wisconsin needs to be subject to the federal election transparency law. Concealing the election process from the public encourages disinformation and distrust.”

Wisconsin is one of 23 states and the District of Columbia that allows voters to register and cast a ballot on the same day, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Individuals registering to vote on Election Day in Wisconsin must present acceptable photo ID. 

While leftist voting activists say same-day registration bolsters voter turnout, election integrity advocates argue the allowance opens the door to election administration chaos and fraud.

‘Matters of Great Public Importance’

Same-day voter registration does come with mandatory safeguards in the Badger State, including a review or audit to determine the validity of the same-day registrant’s address. Election officials must identify which registrations should

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Courts Say People Who Never Lived In Michigan, North Carolina Can Vote There Anyway



Courts in Michigan and North Carolina on Monday rejected separate lawsuits from the Republican National Committee that sought to ensure only individuals who have actually stepped foot in the states can participate in elections there.

The lawsuits, both brought in part by the RNC, took “issue with how the states apply the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA), which requires states to allow certain overseas citizens … to register and vote absentee,” as The Federalist previously reported. The lawsuits alleged that election officials in the states are violating their respective constitutions by opening the door for individuals who have never resided in these states to vote there.

In the Michigan case, plaintiffs, including the RNC and the state GOP, specifically challenged what they alleged to be “unlawful instruction” from Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s Election Officials Manual which says that “a United States citizen who has never resided in the United States but who has a parent, legal guardian, or spouse who was last domiciled in Michigan” to vote in the state “as long as the citizen has not registered or voted in another state.”

In her ruling on this case, Michigan Court of Claims Judge Sima Patel essentially argued that plaintiffs filed the suit too late. Patel sided with, as she referred to them, the already “busy” election official defendants, suggesting they should not be expected to “create an entirely new process” to separate ballots “issued to members of the subject group who have
never resided in Michigan and

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Six Noncitizens Indicted For Allegedly Voting In Ohio (The Thing Democrats STILL Insist Never Happens)



Six noncitizens were indicted in Ohio after they allegedly voted in past elections despite noncitizen voting in federal elections being illegal, state Attorney General Dave Yost announced Tuesday.

Ramesh Patel, 68, was indicted on one count of illegal voting after he allegedly voted in 2014, 2016, and 2018 despite not being a citizen. Lorinda Miller, 78, was indicted on two counts of illegal voting after allegedly voting in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. Miller “is a legal permanent resident but lacked U.S. citizenship,” according to Yost’s office. Both Nicholas Fontaine, 32, Van Thuy Cooper, 53, and Ahmed Aden, 35, are also “legal permanent resident[s]” but not citizens, leading to their indictment. Sixty-two year-old Maria Dearaujo was also indicted on one count of illegal voting. She is a “lawful resident” but not a citizen and allegedly voted in both 2016 and 2018, according to Yost’s office.

Yost’s office said that state code permits him to “initiate a criminal proceeding for election fraud … by presenting evidence of the violation to the county prosecutor.” The attorney general may then prosecute the individuals “if the county prosecutor fails to proceed with the prosecution ‘within a reasonable amount of time.’”

Each case was referred to the respective county prosecutor, Yost’s office said.

[READ NEXT: Pennsylvania Secretary Of State Refuses To Say He’d Catch Noncitizens Voting]

“The right to vote is sacred,” Yost said. “If you’re not a U.S. citizen, it’s illegal to vote — whether you thought you were allowed or not

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Report: Air Force Academy Forces Graduate To Conceal ‘Keep Women’s Sports Female’ Shirt At Volleyball Match



The U.S. Air Force Academy forced a graduate attending the school’s recent volleyball match to cover up his shirt showing support for keeping men out of women’s sports.

First reported by Outkick, the incident occurred on Saturday, when 2002 class graduate John Kopecky attended the academy’s volleyball matchup against San Jose State University (SJSU) while wearing a shirt that read, “Keep Women’s Sports Female.” As The Federalist previously reported, Blaire Fleming, a trans-identifying male, has been permitted to play on SJSU’s volleyball team and compete against opposing female players in collegiate matches.

At least five collegiate women’s volleyball teams have forfeited their matches against SJSU to protest Fleming’s participation in the game.

According to Outkick, the Air Force graduate claimed he was permitted to enter the match, but was informed he would be asked to leave should he remove his sweatshirt covering the shirt in question.

Video of the incident shows Kopecky being confronted by academy officials while sitting courtside at the Air Force’s match against SJSU. The outlet noted that the Air Force graduate was confronted by school officials, who “told him to unzip his sweatshirt to reveal what he was wearing underneath.”

An unidentified male official told Kopecky he couldn’t wear his “Keep Women’s Sports Female” shirt because the school viewed it as “political.” When asked by Kopecky to explain how the shirt is political, the official replied, “It’s obvious … You know what it is. And there’s a reason why you wore it today.”


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