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WI State Bar Brings In Architect Of Abusive John Doe Probe To Talk Election Integrity



As head of Wisconsin’s Government Accountability Board (GAB), Kevin Kennedy helped lead one of the more sinister, secret investigations of the century. Kennedy and his corrupt “good government” agency worked alongside highly partisan Democrat prosecutors in Milwaukee and Dane counties to conduct a years-long probe via a star chamber against then-Republican Gov. Scott Walker and his conservative allies. Activated under Wisconsin’s old John Doe law, prosecutors and government agents spied on their victims, terrorized them with pre-dawn, armed raids, and threatened them with hefty fines and jail time if they dared to say anything publicly about the investigations — including defending themselves from false accusations from anonymous “sources” in the stories GAB-friendly corporate media outlets pumped out. 

So it’s interesting that the State Bar of Wisconsin would host a continuing legal education event for attorneys on election integrity, the constitution and the rule of law featuring Kennedy — a government bureaucrat lifer who twisted election integrity, trampled on the constitution and smashed the rule of law through his central role in Wisconsin’s unconstitutional John Doe investigation.  

“Having Kevin Kennedy teaching the rule of law to a law class is like having Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas teach a class on securing the southern border,” Rep. Tom Tiffany, R-Wis., told The Federalist in a phone interview. 

Tiffany was a state senator in 2015 when he introduced a bill that ultimately reformed Wisconsin’s John Doe law, checking the use of secret political investigations. 

Perhaps the State Bar session featuring

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Cratering Trust In America’s Anti-Truth Media Is Healthy For Society



Americans’ trust in the media is in the tank — and the hack-tivist “journalists” who have spent years contributing to the trend are not taking it well.

On Tuesday, former CNN political reporter Chris Cillizza lamented findings published in a recent Gallup survey that show Americans’ overall confidence in “mass media” has been in decline for years. The analysis indicated that in 2024, just 12 percent of Republicans, 27 percent of independents, and 54 percent of Democrats “say they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media” to report the news “fully, accurately, and fairly.”

Overall, in 2024, 36 percent of respondents said they have “no trust at all” in media, while 33 percent expressed having “not very much” trust and confidence.

“Devastating. And a massive problem for a healthy democracy,” Cillizza whined on X alongside a photo of results from the Gallup analysis. Cillizza also indicated yesterday that he believes the controversy surrounding “60 Minutes” allegedly distorting its sit-down interview with Kamala Harris is “dumb.”

Cillizza’s melodramatic performance may sit well with his legacy media cohorts. But for anyone who’s been paying attention to the past decade of press coverage, it’s all smoke and mirrors.

When talking heads like Cillizza claim Americans’ waning trust is “devastating” for “democracy,” what they’re actually espousing is their fear that the media is losing its ability to control what information the public is allowed to receive and how it’s portrayed.

For years, these self-professed “news” outlets have dominated the information

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Is CBS Refusing To Release Its Full Kamala ‘60 Minutes’ Interview Because It Let Her Redo Answers?



There are only two possibilities pertaining to that “60 Minutes” interview in which at least one of Vice President Kamala Harris’ answers to a critical question was edited in her political favor: Either Kamala’s handlers insisted upon redoing some of her comments, or the program unilaterally assisted in cleaning them up on its own.

Whichever possibility reflects reality, CBS is now engaged in a cover-up; and until CBS makes a full transcript and video of the interview available, there’s a strong case that the outlet made an in-kind donation to Kamala’s campaign, which would be illegal.

The network on Sunday released a statement denying accusations of “deceitful editing.” By way of excusing itself, CBS said it had made a still-confounding edit to one of Kamala’s answers related to U.S.-Israel relations because “the portion of her answer on 60 Minutes was more succinct, which allows time for other subjects in a wide ranging 21-minute-long segment.”

Taken at face value, the explanation is an admission that producers chose to air a more flattering (“succinct”) portion of Kamala’s comments when a separate version showing the same exchange was posted online beforehand and was widely panned because of the vice president’s ridiculous, unintelligible response. Taken in context — CBS’s declining to release a full, accurate transcript, plus video, and its decision to make that specific edit (and potentially others) — it’s a much seedier situation.

No matter which way you cut it, following either avenue through to its logical conclusion demonstrates CBS to have made

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Handwriting Expert Says White House Lawyer Wrote Note Cassidy Hutchinson Took Credit For



A handwriting expert hired by House Republicans investigating the since disbanded Jan. 6 Committee said the panel’s star witness was not the author of a note she took credit for at a congressional hearing two years ago.

On Monday, journalist Julie Kelly published the conclusions of a graphologist commissioned to analyze the handwriting on a note displayed by Jan. 6 Select Committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney during the public appearance of former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson before the panel. The note in question included a proposed statement for then-President Donald Trump to issue as rioters descended on the U.S. Capitol.

“That’s a note that I wrote at the direction of the chief of staff on Jan. 6, likely around 3 o’clock,” Hutchinson said under oath at a hearing of the Select Committee in June 2022.

Authorship was immediately disputed by former Trump White House staff.

“The handwritten note that Cassidy Hutchinson testified was written by her was in fact written by Eric Herschmann on January 6, 2021,” a spokesperson for the former White House lawyer told ABC News at the time.

According to Kelly, Republican investigators now probing the misconduct of Cheney’s select panel have independently “confirmed Herschmann’s account.”

NEW: Cassidy Hutchinson/Liz Cheney scandal keeps getting worse.@RepLoudermilk hired a handwriting expert to analyze a note Hutchinson testified under oath she had composed the afternoon of January 6.

Cheney held up the note, which was part of a statement dictated by Mark…

— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) October

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