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CW Upgrades ‘Scrabble’ And ‘Trivial Pursuit’ From Board Games To Game Shows



If the past several years have taught entertainment observers anything, it’s that Hollywood loves reusing existing franchises. From myriad “Fast and Furious” remakes to live-action versions of Disney animated classics to the umpteenth “Star Wars” production, studios much prefer selling new adventures with known entities than relying on fickle fans to take to a new cast of characters.

In the case of The CW, relying on known properties has taken on a twist. The network premiered two game shows based on board games — “Scrabble” and “Trivial Pursuit” — that have remained mainstays of American living rooms for decades, both of which had prior television adaptations.

Linguistic Strategy

The original television version of “Scrabble,” hosted by Chuck Woolery, largely featured crossword-like puzzles, in which contestants tried to guess a word while filling in the word’s letters one at a time. This 1980s version featured wordplay but few characteristics unique to “Scrabble,” along with several features (e.g., the dreaded “stopper” — a letter not in the word) absent from the board game.

The current version, hosted by Raven-Symone, starts out similarly to the 1980s show, albeit without the “stoppers.” In the first segment, two players guess scrambled words based on a one-word clue. Even in this crossword-like portion of the game, Scrabble scoring conventions still apply, with rarer letters (e.g., “Q,” “Z,” etc.) earning contestants more points.

The last two rounds of the current “Scrabble” show closely resemble the board game. The second segment features contestants competing head-to-head to assemble words,

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‘Does He Live Here?’: Watchdog Group Investigates ‘Hundreds’ Of Suspect Arizona Voter Registrations



An election integrity watchdog group’s investigation has found numerous Arizona voters whose registered address on the voter rolls belongs to a commercial establishment.

Published on Tuesday, the documentary follows the Public Interest Legal Foundation’s (PILF) Lauren Bis as she visits bars, gas stations, and other venues listed as the residence for individuals on Arizona’s voter rolls. State law mandates that voter registration forms contain a “registrant’s actual place of residence,” which is to include their “street name and number, apartment or space number, city or town and zip code, or such description of the location of the residence that it can be readily ascertained or identified.”

These registration forms specifically prohibit individuals from listing a Post Office box or business address as their registered address.

“The Public Interest Legal Foundation has found and inspected hundreds of commercial addresses where people are registered to vote from in Arizona,” Bis said. “Some of these addresses include an abortion clinic, gas stations, liquor stores, vacant lots, a high school, a smoke shop, gun shop, fast food chain, strip clubs, golf courses, and bars.”

One instance highlighted in the documentary shows Bis purchasing a bottle of water at what appears to be a gas station. While paying, she asked the cashier if she knows whether “Josie [last name redacted] lives here.” After asking Bis to repeat the name, the cashier looking baffled, shook her head.

Are you asking if “she works here?” the cashier probed, to which Bis replied, “Lives here. This is

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Virginia Department Of Elections Has Been Complicit For Years In Registering Noncitizens To Vote: County GOP



The Biden-Harris administration is conducting an election interference campaign in Virginia by filing a lawsuit to ensure noncitizens remain on the voter rolls, but the commonwealth’s own Department of Elections (ELECT) has been complicit in registering ineligible voters for over a decade, according to one county Republican Party.

While the Biden-Harris election meddling comes after Gov. Glenn Youngkin, R-Va., removed 6,303 noncitizens from voter rolls between January 2022 and July 2024, the Fairfax County Republican Party noted that “from at least 2011” and “enabled by the Department of Motor Vehicles,” “Virginia bureaucrats allowed thousands of noncitizens onto Virginia’s voter rolls.”

The Fairfax GOP is fully supportive of Youngkin’s Executive Order 35, which removed the noncitizens, prompting the left-wing lawfare assault against the enforcement of Virginia’s constitutional requirement that an eligible voter be a “citizen of the United States.” Fairfax GOP Chairwoman Katie Gorka said that “Youngkin is defending the citizens of the commonwealth by cleaning up our voter rolls.”

Gorka told The Federalist, however, that “we feel very, very, very supportive of Governor Youngkin, that he has taken this stance. But I’ll tell you the other thing, only 6,303 have been removed from the voter rolls: I think the number is in the tens-of-thousands of those who should be removed from the voter rolls. And that’s why, we are both supporting Governor Youngkin, but saying we need to do more.”

In a scathing press release, the Fairfax GOP, which represents the commonwealth’s largest county by population, said that government bureaucrats

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Mayorkas Stonewalls Ohio’s Request To Help Track Foreign Nationals On Voter Rolls



Nearly three months after Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose first sought access to federal citizenship verification records to help the Buckeye State ensure noncitizens don’t vote in the election, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has yet to respond. 

In his defense, Mayorkas reportedly has been busy enjoying high-end sushi from posh Japanese restaurant chains and shopping in fashionable Georgetown boutiques. 

LaRose says he has made several appeals to the Biden-Harris administration seeking access to DHS databases, “specifically the Person Centric Query Service (PCQS) database, the Person Centric Identity Services (PCIS) database, and the Central Index System.” 

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, has intervened on the secretary of state’s behalf, demanding answers from Mayorkas on his failure to assist LaRose in securing Ohio’s elections. Jordan, who serves as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said the matter is particularly pressing “in light of the open-border policies of the Biden-Harris Administration” that have led to unprecedented millions of illegal immigrants pouring into the United States. As The Federalist has extensively reported, thousands of foreign nationals have shown up on voters rolls in states across the country, including hundreds of names this year that LaRose has ordered removed from Ohio’s voter registration database. 

“Given Secretary LaRose’s state and federal statutory responsibilities to guarantee that only lawfully registered citizens vote in Ohio federal elections, his request for access to DHS’s citizenship verification databases is a ‘purpose authorized by law,’ and you must grant it accordingly,” Jordan wrote in the Sept. 27 

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