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New ‘Transparency’ Act Forces Small Businesses To Register Personal Data With Federal Law Enforcement



The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is an aggressive domestic program to federally register millions of unsuspecting small business owners under the guise of an “anti-money laundering initiative.”

By the end of this year, Americans will be required to hand over their small businesses’ private data — such as owners’ names and home addresses — to the federal government’s law enforcement database, operated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), housed under the Department of the Treasury. Such small businesses include limited liability companies, corporations, “and any other entities created by the filing of a document with a secretary of state or any similar office in the United States.”

They will also be required to turn over personal data, which can include uploading their driver’s license, passport, marriage certificate, and other non-business related information, into this law enforcement database.

This needs to be a front and center campaign issue to protect more than 33 million small business owners, who employ 61 million Americans.

The Department of the Treasury already has a history of targeting innocent Americans. During the Lois Lerner scandal, the IRS was forced to admit that it used political partisanship to specifically target conservative groups. The unelected bureaucracy was ultimately forced to settle with the innocent Americans they targeted.

CTA is the for-profit equivalent of Department of the Treasury’s partisan overreach. With the IRS scandal, nonprofit organizations with the word “tea party” and “patriot” were targeted and subjected to further scrutiny and/or outright denial of their tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status.

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Kamala Harris Wants To Force Christian Hospitals To Perform Abortions Against Their Will



On Tuesday, Kamala Harris voiced opposition to providing religious exemptions in any federal legislation legalizing abortion nationwide in the event that such legislation is brought to her desk as president.

The moment came during the vice president’s sit-down interview with NBC News’ Hallie Jackson. The network anchor asked Harris how she would advance baby-killing legislation at the federal level if elected president and Republicans control both chambers of Congress. Jackson also asked if she would be willing to make any “concessions” to get any prospective bill to her desk.

Instead of answering the question, the Democrat presidential nominee pivoted to attacking President Donald Trump for appointing three U.S. Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. She also falsely characterized the murder of unborn children as an issue of “freedom.”

“I know that there are members of the United States Congress who are well aware that their constituents are in favor of the very fundamental principle that a woman should be able to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do,” Harris said while ignoring how abortion denies the unborn children the ability to “make decisions” about their bodies.

Jackson followed up by again asking Harris what “concessions” she’d be willing to make with a Republican-controlled Congress. The NBC host specifically queried if “religious exemptions” were “something [Harris] would consider.”

“I don’t think we should be making concessions when we’re talking about a fundamental freedom to make decisions about

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Michigan Secretary of State Spreads False Data While Accusing Elon Musk Of Sharing ‘Disinformation’



When Elon Musk asked Democrat Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson about the state’s swollen voter rolls, she tried to debunk his claim — using false data.

“Michigan has more registered voters than eligible citizens!? Is that true @CommunityNotes?” Musk asked on Oct. 19.

“Let’s be clear: @elonmusk is spreading dangerous disinformation,” Benson replied. “Musk is pushing a misleading number that includes 1.2 million inactive records slated for removal in accordance with the law.”

She took an apparent victory lap, stopping by CNN to discuss “our work to empower every American to see through the noise and know the truth about our elections.” 

The exchange between Musk and Benson went on for several days.

“Are you removing the ineligible voters before the election? YES or NO,” Musk replied to Benson on Oct. 21. The secretary responded with information from her office’s website, claiming the state maintains voter rolls as necessary.

While initially responding to Musk, Benson claimed Michigan has 7.9 million “citizens of voting age.”  But Tom Fitton, president of conservative watchdog Judicial Watch, pointed out this is false.

FACT CHECK: @JudicialWatch analyzed the numbers: Democratic Michigan Secretary of State @JocelynBenson published false information below about her state’s voting rolls, which Michigan has failed to properly maintain under law for years. The State’s own data shows that it has…

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) October 21, 2024

Benson apparently posted the voting age population — which includes all adults, not just citizens — as citizens of voting age. According

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Oregon’s Voting Portal Appears To Let Anyone Cast An Overseas Voter’s Ballot With Just His Name And Birthday



Oregon’s voting portal lets anyone log into an Oregon resident’s voter account using only his name and birthday — and once logged into a voter’s account, it appears that a bad actor could use the online tool to cast the ballots of overseas voters by email. For that matter, the system doesn’t appear to protect against someone fraudulently casting ballots in the names of domestic voters by claiming to be overseas.

Oregon’s online elections portal, “MyVote,” lets anyone access residents’ registration information by entering a resident’s first and last name and birthday — which are often available online. From there, a fraudster could hypothetically mark a resident’s ballot, claim he is an overseas voter, and then submit the resident’s marked ballot by fax or email, according to whistleblower Cara Tapken, an Oregon resident, who showed The Federalist how the portal works.

The Loophole

After logging into the service, operated by Democrat Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade, one can access a voter’s address and party affiliation, along with an online ballot-marking tool that can be used to fill out a ballot for the resident, Tapken showed The Federalist. In at least some cases, the site asks for the resident’s zip code (which is visible on the voter information page) before allowing access to the ballot-marking system.

Screenshot of the screen leading to Oregon’s online ballot-marking tool. Courtesy of Cara Tapken

This tool is supposed to be limited to overseas or disabled voters,

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