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Arizona Supreme Court Affirms 100K Voters’ ‘Full-Ballot’ Status After Registration ‘Error’



On Friday, the Arizona Supreme Court authorized nearly 100,000 voters to vote “full-ballot” this November after election officials found a government-induced “error” put their registration statuses into question.

“[W]e are unwilling on these facts to disenfranchise voters en masse from participating in state contests,” Chief Justice Ann Scott Timmer wrote. “Doing so is not authorized by state law and would violate principles of due process.”

The issue came to fruition last week when state officials revealed they discovered roughly 97,000 voters on the state registration lists are classified as full-ballot voters despite not having provided documentary proof of citizenship (DPOC). According to left-leaning Votebeat Arizona, the decades-old error appears to have resulted “from the way the Motor Vehicle Division provides driver’s license information to the state’s voter registration system.”

Secretary of State Adrian Fontes said these voters “lean more heavily Republican” and are between 45-60 years old, according to the outlet.

In Arizona, voters registering via state registration form must provide documentary proof of citizenship (DPOC) to vote in state and local races. Those who are unable to provide such proof are registered as “federal-only” voters and can only cast ballots in federal races.

Following last week’s revelation, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer filed a lawsuit asking the state supreme court to force Fontes to classify the 97,000 voters in question as federal-only voters until they provide DPOC. Fontes and leading Arizona Republicans disagreed and argued these voters should be allowed to vote full-ballot this November.

Siding with Fontes and Republicans,

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Lawsuit: Nevada Clerks Are Failing To Process Challenges To Voter Rolls



Several Nevada clerks are failing to undertake their legally required duty to process citizen-led challenges of potentially ineligible voters on the state’s registration lists, a lawsuit filed Friday alleges.

Brought in Nevada’s First Judicial District Court by the Citizen Outreach Foundation (COF) and its president, Chuck Muth, the legal challenge contends that the election clerks of Carson City and Storey County are neglecting to fulfill their statutory obligation to process challenges to allegedly unlawful registrants on the counties’ respective voter rolls. Carson City Clerk Scott Hoen and Storey County Clerk Jim Hindle are named defendants in the case.

As noted in the lawsuit, the legal saga stems from an Aug. 27 directive issued by Democrat Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar. The memo instructed local clerks to refrain from complying with voter registrant challenges made under a specific provision of state law used by Muth and the COF.

As I previously wrote in these pages, the COF filed affidavits challenging the eligibility of nearly 4,000 registrants on July 29 under Section 535, which permits “any elector or other reliable person” to file challenges against registrants they have reason to believe are noncitizens or have moved to a different county or state with the intention of relocating there or “remaining there for an indefinite time.” The statute requires challengers to affirm “he or she has personal knowledge of the facts set forth in the affidavit.”

COF made its Section 535 challenges after its affidavits submitted under Section 547 were rejected. That section

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FTC Commissioner Warns New Report Could Be Used By Big Tech To Justify Censorship



Image CreditFDRLST/Canva

A U.S. Federal Trade Commission official is concerned that a new 129-page report penned by her agency could be easily construed by Big Tech companies to justify the partisan censorship that has plagued their sites for years.

In its “A Look Behind the Scenes: Examining the Data Practices of Social Media and Video Streaming Services” report published last week, the FTC suggests Amazon, Facebook, Google’s YouTube, Twitter, Snap, ByteDance (TikTok’s parent company), Discord, Reddit, and WhatsApp are guilty of participating in a “vast surveillance” operation.

The comprehensive findings, first commissioned at the end of the Trump administration in December 2020 but released under the Biden administration’s purview, determined this invasion of privacy has not only “harmed our competitive landscape” but also “affected the way we communicate and our well-being, especially the well-being of children and teens” by relying on algorithms that boost “harmful content.”

In her Sept. 19 response to the findings, Commissioner Melissa Holyoak agreed that the findings represent “a major step forward” in the fight to protect Americans’ privacy from the Big Tech companies eager to invade it. Yet, she expressed “grave” concern that the report “is unclear exactly how its analysis or recommendations will affect free speech.”

The report explicitly claims it does “not address or endorse any attempt to censor or moderate content based on political views,” as Big Tech and the Biden administration were caught doing during media-fueled panic over Covid-19.

Holyoak noted, however, that the FTC’s repeated calls

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Kamala Is Begging For Another Debate Because She Knows She’s Losing



Latest public polling shows Kamala Harris — yes, her — to be more popular with voters than a free massage, water in the desert, and even group sex at P. Diddy’s house. Which is why it remains confounding that she’s clamoring for yet another debate with Donald Trump.

The only reasonable explanation is that her campaign managers have told her she’s on track to lose, probably decisively.

CNN on Saturday announced that the vice president accepted a second debate proposed by the channel for late next month. Kamala “is ready for another opportunity to share a stage with Donald Trump,” campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon said in a statement. “Donald Trump should have no problem agreeing to this debate.”

The channel’s reliable propagandist Brian Stelter then crawled into the daylight to antagonize Trump on behalf of the Kamala campaign, writing that it would be unbecoming for the election’s final debate to be between the two candidates’ running-mates, J.D. Vance and Tim “Stolen Valor” Walz. “[I]t sure would seem anticlimactic,” wrote Stelter, “to have Walz and Vance helm the last debate of the cycle.”


Kamala and her handlers have been crying out for a debate less than an hour after the first one two weeks ago was even over. Recall that debate as the one where, according to all of her friends in the national news media, Kamala flew past expectations, provoked Trump into a foaming drool, and deftly parried all incoming fire with surgical precision. After weeks of adulation from

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