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Trump’s Mugshot Is A Symbol Of The Right’s Struggle Against Tyranny  



Within minutes of Fulton County authorities releasing former President Donald Trump’s mugshot, political merch sites and independent retailers on Etsy and Redbubble exploded with mugs, T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and drawstring bags featuring Trump’s glaring face.      

The left had foolishly hoped the Trump indictments would sour the American people on the former president. They envisioned that his mugshot would solidify their narrative that he is a criminal and a menace to “democracy.”

Instead, every blow the deep state delivered to Trump has increased his poll numbers and brought him closer to securing the Republican nomination. Democrats’ major blind spot was that they effectively criminalized, or at least demonized, half the country long before Trump’s first indictment. Conservatives aren’t turned off by his mugshot, they identify with it. The mugshot is not the next MAGA hat, as some have suggested, because Trump’s mugshot is much bigger than Trump. 

Over the last few years, Democrats have weaponized the deep state and conspired with corporate media and Big Tech against anyone who is ideologically opposed to them. Trump’s intense scowl may as well be the look on the face of the peaceful pro-lifers who had their homes raided by federal agents. 

It could be the traditional Catholics who were labeled dangerous “white supremacists” and had their churches infiltrated by the FBI. The Trump mugshot resonates with concerned parents who went to school board meetings and were associated with “domestic terrorism” for opposing critical race theory and the sexualization of their children. 

The photograph

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UK’s Leftist Labour Party Jumping Into U.S. Election To Help Harris



The British are coming, the British are coming! To interfere in U.S. elections. 

At least the leftist Brits are.  

Sofia Patel, head of operations for the United Kingdom’s Labour Party (yes, that’s Labor with an O-U-R), in a recent post claims she has “nearly 100 Labour Party staff (current and former) going to the US in the next few weeks.” They’re heading to critical battleground states North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, as well as Virginia, Patel wrote in her post. 

“I have 10 spots available for anyone available to head to the battleground state of North Carolina — we will sort your housing,” the leftist Labour Party official noted on her LinkedIn page, which now appears to have been deleted. 

Patel, who served in field operations for former U.S. Secretary of State and failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, asked that interested parties reach her at

As an interested party, I did just that. Patel has yet to respond to my email seeking comment. 

Labour Party Favors

It’s not technically illegal for a foreigner to participate as a volunteer in a U.S. campaign, but election law expert Hans von Spakovsky said it’s definitely not a good look for Democrats, who have portrayed themselves as defenders against foreign influence in U.S. elections. 

“From the standpoint of public relations, the Democrat Party has been the loudest complainer about ‘foreign interference’ in elections, starting with their false claims about Trump and the Russian government,” von Spakovsky, manager of the

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50 Years After Gulag Archipelago, Soviet-Style Tyranny Threatens The U.S.



What does totalitarianism look like? Ask leftist corporate media in this last month of the presidential election, and you’ll get one answer. “New fears that Trump threatens democracy,” reports CNN. “Trump Is a Threat to Democracy,” declares New York Magazine. Rolling Stone offers “A Guide to Trump’s Fascist Rhetoric.”

There is a certain absurdity to this alarmism, given that former President Donald Trump was already a democratically elected president, vacated the White House, and is once again competing in an election in which his ticket will be beholden to a bureaucratic process guided by thousands upon thousands of election officials. That certainly doesn’t sound like authoritarian behavior.

Perhaps it would be worthwhile to revisit the tenor and texture of actual authoritarianism. The 50th anniversary of Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago circulating throughout the former Soviet Union offers an extensive, disturbing lesson on how coercive, unaccountable governments can vitiate human freedom and flourishing.

The ‘Best Nonfiction Book of the Twentieth Century’

It is difficult to overstate the importance of The Gulag Archipelago, written by one of the most important writers of the 20th century. Solzhenitsyn, once an ardent communist and atheist, who was twice decorated while commanding an artillery battery during World War II, became increasingly disenchanted with Stalin and the brutality of the Red Army during his service in East Prussia. Private letters criticizing the Soviet regime were uncovered, and Solzhenitsyn was convicted of “founding a hostile organization” and sentenced to an eight-year term in a labor

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Fixing The Border Crisis Starts With Identifying Mexican Cartels As Terrorist Organizations



The ongoing border crisis has raised an important question among policymakers and average citizens: Are we dealing with an immigration problem or a security problem? Each lens requires a different response. But the fact is, the border crisis is not primarily an immigration problem. We are facing the greatest national security crisis in our nation’s history.

Years of an unchecked, unsecured border has left the American people to suffer at the will of Mexican drug cartels. We have been unable to counter this threat because thus far, we have insisted on viewing the problem only as an immigration issue, leaving us unable to engage security assets and resources that could help us win the war against our adversaries. 

But when we look at it through the lens of security, we recognize Mexican cartels for what they are: foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs). Further, we recognize Mexico as what it has become: a failing state, burdened by a tyrannical government that not only sponsors terrorism but also shields cartels as they undermine the rule of law and threaten regional stability.

Operating with the Mexican government “in good faith” has led to the United States pledging to leave Mexico alone, so long as it controls migration into our nation. This has resulted in two things. First, these efforts have failed to deliver security. Second, the Mexican narco-state has continued to emerge. 

This leaves the American people with a national security crisis, a public safety crisis, and a crisis of constitutional governance. To quote the

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