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Biden’s Lazy Response To Catastrophes Like Hawaii Fire Proves He Is A Liability



When word reached Biden about the deadly Maui fires that killed over 100 people and left 800 more missing, he didn’t rush to Air Force One and fly over the Pacific to the afflicted island.

Instead, the 46th president of the United States spent yet another day neglecting his oath of office on a Delaware beach vacation where he offered reporters “no comment” about the hundreds of fire victims. After a brief appearance at the White House, where he once again refused to speak with reporters about the catastrophe, Biden jetted off to lounge at Lake Tahoe.

The president eventually paused his elaborate stay in the Sierra Nevada Mountains to fly to Hawaii. When Biden finally arrived on the ravaged island two weeks after the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history started, he kicked off the somber visit by cracking several jokes about hot pavement and football.

Biden says to the Mayor of Maui County: “You look like you played defensive tackle for, I don’t know who, but somebody good” and then says the wildfires are a “national travedy.”

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 21, 2023

Biden’s babbling only worsened when he turned a speech that was supposed to encourage the fire victims into a self-adulating spiel laced with lies.

Joe Biden finally travels to Hawaii, where over 100 people died, and says he knows how scary fires can be because his kitchen caught on fire nearly twenty years ago and his 1967 corvette, his cat

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Michigan Senate Passes Bills Threatening Election Integrity



The Michigan state Senate passed a slate of election bills that would pose a serious threat to election integrity, creating an “elections database and institute” and letting individuals interact with voters in line at the polls.

Senate Bills 401, 402, 403, and 404 — which proponents call the “Michigan Voting Rights Act” — passed Sept. 17 along party lines in the state Senate, where Democrats hold a slim two-seat majority. The bill is now headed to the state House, where its timeline is uncertain, state Rep. Ann Bollin told The Federalist.

“This is bad legislation,” Bollin, a Re said. “I think this just further drives a wedge and removes responsibility.”

The bills’ effective date is not set in stone since they still need to pass the House, according to Bollin. She laid out two potential scenarios that could occur if the bills pass the House. 

In one case, the bills could take effect the usual 90 days after passage, meaning they would not affect November’s election.

In the other case, Bollin said the bills could be changed to take effect immediately after passage. If Democrats rushed the bills through the House to be signed by Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, they would face a lengthy rule process that would still likely put their implementation beyond the election. But Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson could rush that process.

“That rule process is something that generally takes months to process because you have a public hearing, public comment period,” Bollin said.

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Leftist Activist Suggests ‘Criminal Charges’ For Refusing To Certify Election Results



A leftist activist said election officials should threaten those who refuse to certify election results with “consequences” like “criminal charges” or “losing your job” in a webinar Tuesday.

“We recommend stressing that anyone who tries to mess with this process or undermine our democracy will fail, and that they will or can face consequences,” said Lizzie Ulmer, senior vice president of strategy and communications at the left-wing States United Democracy Center. “As we’ve seen in a number of the states where this has happened, those consequences can include losing your job or even facing criminal charges.”

Ulmer joined Jon Miller, chief program officer for the leftist Public Rights Project, in a webinar called “Election Certification Messaging for Local Election Officials.” Miller said the two would focus on “messaging strategies” for local election officials to “debunk misinformation” when speaking to the public and media, especially about election certification.

“Folks pushing to block certification want to sow doubt about our fair and secure elections… It’s really important to often include accountability, that these efforts fail, and that there are consequences that people face. Again, depending on the circumstance that may or may not be the right fit,” Ulmer said. “The accountability framing shows that there are very serious consequences for when you seek to undermine that process.”

County canvassers review and certify the results of each election. Canvassing helps officials “resolve discrepancies, correct errors, and take any remedial actions necessary to ensure completeness and accuracy before certifying the election.” But since 2020,

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A 2020 Case Before D.C. Lawfare Judge Could Block RNC From Election Challenges



Left-wing forces in Washington, D.C., are attempting to revive a 2020 lawsuit against former President Donald Trump, his campaign, and the Republican National Committee to tip the scales of the election in favor of Democrats.

If the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization (MWRO) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) have their way, Trump and the RNC would be barred from “engaging in any activities related to recounts, certifications, or similar post-election activities” without receiving prior approval from the D.C. District Court to do so.

Moreover, the case is before lawfare Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is overseeing Trump’s criminal trial in the nation’s capital, despite calls for recusal over prejudicial statements she made against Trump in a separate case.

“This case is just another example of the left weaponizing courts to take out their competition. The left simply doesn’t want Republicans to be part of the process or be able to engage in routine election activities like observe polling places,” Jason Snead, executive director of Honest Elections Project, told The Federalist in a statement.

“Liberals want elections to be run behind closed doors where nobody can observe the process or question liberal election policies. It’s shameful that left-wing lawyers act as if the courts should work only for Democrats.”

The case threatens to effectively put back in place restrictions that hindered the RNC for nearly four decades. A judge appointed by President Jimmy Carter instated the restrictions when he settled a case between the RNC and

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