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Jack Smith’s Jan 6. Indictments Are An Attack On Political Speech



If recklessly lying to voters were a crime, most everyone in D.C. would be serving life in solitary confinement at Supermax. But in a liberal democracy, as frustrating as it often is, political misconduct is settled by voters and elections, not partisan prosecutors or rioters.

Feel free to campaign and vote against Donald Trump if you like. I’m certainly no fan. If Trump wins in 2024, Congress can impeach and remove him if they choose. But just as there was no special set of rules that could keep Trump in the White House in 2020, there shouldn’t be an exclusive set of rules to keep him out, either.

Yet special counsel Jack Smith’s indictments over Jan. 6 read like they were cobbled together by a partisan House staffer hopped on Adderall who perfunctorily tacked on the last-minute legal reasoning he tripped over thumbing through 19th-century case law.

Though numerous commentators who have an aversion to Trump have pointed out the weakness of the indictments, it’s quite telling how little media-approved historians and legal “expertseven bother defending the underlying legal case. Trump is evil, a threat to “democracy,” and really what else is there to discuss?

In the Trump-addled politics of our age, it is virtually impossible for people to compartmentalize the process and the person if that person happens to be Trump.

In this case, the precedent criminalizes political speech. People keep assuring me the indictments aren’t really about expression but rather about defrauding the government. Sorry, the entire

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Oklahoma Removes 450,000 Ineligible Voters From Rolls, Including Over 5,000 Felons



Oklahoma election officials have removed more than 450,000 ineligible voters from the state’s rolls ahead of November’s election.

“Voting is our most sacred duty as Americans — and every Oklahoman wants to know their vote is securely cast and properly counted,” said Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt in a press release

State election officials have removed 453,000 total ineligible voters since 2021, Stitt’s office announced Wednesday. 

As part of “routine voter list maintenance,” the state has removed 5,607 felons, 14,993 duplicate registrations, 97,065 dead voters, and 143,682 voters who moved out of state, according to the release. During address verification, officials also canceled 194,962 inactive voters.

We all need an ID to fly, buy alcohol, cash a check, etc.

There’s no reason a state shouldn’t have strict voter ID laws. It’s just common sense.

In Oklahoma, our laws require proof of identity for every voter, regardless of whether you’re voting early, absentee, or in-person.

— Governor Kevin Stitt (@GovStitt) September 18, 2024

Stitt’s office has been working with legislators, the state election board, and the secretary of state on voter list maintenance. Officials are using technology like artificial intelligence to “protect our elections,” said Secretary of State Josh Cockroft in the release.

“We’ve aggressively pursued policies to ensure voting is secure and accurate,” Cockroft said. “Every eligible citizen will have their vote counted and their voice heard.”

Oklahoma allows “only eligible voters” to take part in elections, according to the release. The state’s June primaries had a “100% voter verification match,” KOSU

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SCOTUS Threats Suggest Democrats’ Attacks On The Court Encourage Politically Motivated Terrorism



A 76-year-old Alaskan man is in custody after he allegedly threatened to assault, kidnap, lynch, torture, murder, and assassinate six of the nine Supreme Court justices. The names of the justices targeted, however, were withheld by the Department of Justice — likely because they confirm Democrats’ incendiary rhetoric against the conservative members of the court is working.

The DOJ announced on Thursday that Panos Anastasiou faces nine counts of making threats against a federal judge and 13 counts of making threats in interstate commerce after he sent more than 465 messages pledging harm against justices via “a public website the court maintained.”

Attorney General Merrick Garland acknowledged in the Thursday press release that the communications were rooted in Anastasiou’s desire to “retaliate against them for decisions he disagreed with.” Yet, neither he nor the Department of Justice memo announcing the arrest identified exactly which of the nine SCOTUS members and their family members were terrorized.

In fact, the DOJ went out of its way in its 11-page September 18 indictment of Anastasiou to disguise which high bench presiders were in danger for upholding their constitutional duties by reducing the justices to numbers “1-6.” Six of the nine sitting SCOTUS justices were nominated to the high bench by Republican presidents.

The document accusing the Alaskan of several felonies, however, shows Anastasiou’s threats were well timed not only with a Democrat-manufactured ethics scandal, but also decisions secured specifically by the court’s conservative majority.

In May, as corporate media ramped up Democrat-manufactured

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NFL Get-Out-The-Vote Initiative Partners With Democrat Activist Groups



Are you ready for some football?! How about some leftist-led get-out-the-vote (GOTV) games? 

Well, you get both with the NFL Votes campaign. 

The all-powerful National Football League says the “League-wide, nonpartisan initiative supports and encourages civic engagement among NFL players, and legends, club and league personnel, and fans.” Launched in 2020 as a joint effort between the NFL and NFL Players Association, NFL Votes “focuses on three key components of the electoral process: voter education, voter registration, and voter activation,” according to the league’s website.

Sounds noble enough.

But if you’re scoring along at home, the NFL’s teammates include some of the most left-wing activist organizations on the election field today. Starting on the campaign’s roster is Rock the Vote, Voto Latino, and I am a voter

Rock the Leftists

Rock the Vote has been around since 1990, when music executives partnered with MTV and celebrities on the “Censorship is Un-American” campaign after foul-mouthed rap acts such as N.W.A and 2 Live Crew brought out an indignant wave of speech silencers.

It was a simpler time, when MTV actually played music videos. 

Thrilled by its accomplishment of activating “millions of young people” to turn out to the polls, the leftist nonprofit has parlayed its GOTV successes into a multitude of leftist causes over its 30-plus years in operation — even as targeting the young adult vote remained central to its efforts.

“The group claims to be nonpartisan, but has produced videos throughout the years using celebrities who largely endorse a

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