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What The Media Did To America Is Far Worse Than The Pandemic Ever Was



What’s great about Steve Krakauer’s new book dissecting the media is that it comes with a lot of thoughtful commentary from prominent journalists. What’s bad about it is that, like Anne Frank, the author still somehow believes the worst people are truly good at heart. If not for that, the book might be perfect!

In “Uncovered: How the Media Got Cozy with Power, Abandoned Its Principles, and Lost the People,” Krakauer maintains that the corruption of the national press is mostly a matter of groupthink, geographic location (Washington and New York), and ego.

I don’t think so. Nothing exposed the media — The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and on and on — for the deceitful, manipulative group of people it is than the pandemic. A grave and urgent emergency that should have been the most pressing time since 9/11 for national unity was instead exploited by the media for the purpose of winning an election. The cost: Half the country was trained to accuse the other of willfully spreading death.

Kraukauer goes over much of our Covid nightmare in a section that recounts the corporate press’s dishonesty when covering some prominent commentators who proposed using the prolific drug ivermectin as a potential treatment for the virus, rather than risk using any of the new vaccines. Although it’s been around forever and is generously prescribed to humans in every first-world nation, all it took was for popular podcaster Joe Rogan to suggest ivermectin as an alternative to the sacred

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FEMA Website Admits Keeping You Alive In A Natural Disaster Isn’t Its Top Priority



Residents of flooded out towns across Appalachia have been forced to rely on charity relief efforts days after a Category 4 hurricane brought “biblical devastation” to communities seemingly abandoned by the federal government. While Hurricane Helene brewed over the Atlantic, the nation’s pre-eminent disaster agency was apparently distracted by concerns of “equity” and “climate resilience” over emergency preparedness.

The storm-related death toll eclipsed 100 on Monday morning as Americans desperate for resources depend on local first responders and private helicopters rather than the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). While FEMA routinely prepares for colossal rescue operations in the days leading up to major storms, such pre-staged support was clearly not available to residents in the Appalachian towns washed away by the torrential downpour from last week’s hurricane.

In an interview published with NPR on Sunday, FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell, who visited where the hurricane made landfall in Florida this weekend, was asked about the devastation in Tennessee and North Carolina.

“I believe it’s nine search-and-rescue teams in North Carolina,” Criswell said, with “more that are coming in today.”

“We’re sending in more resources,” the FEMA chief added, “to make sure we can get to everybody that’s been impacted by this, people that are still isolated from the effects of the storm.”

But moving resources in days after the storm does not mean resources were nearby and ready for deployment. The agency’s lack of proactive measures might be explained by the federal government’s listed values.

According to FEMA’s website, storm

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Joe Biden’s Message To North Carolina Flood Victims: Drop Dead



It took days after Hurricane Helene first began to wreak record-breaking havoc on North Carolina, but President Joe Biden has finally weighed in. The Democrat’s message North Carolinians suffering from one of the greatest catastrophes their region has ever experienced, however, was far from the compassion and empathy his party and corporate media pretend he touts.

At least 100 people are dead and hundreds more are missing after torrential flooding and landslides caused “biblical devastation” across Appalachia over the weekend.

President Joe Biden, who waited until after his restful Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, weekend to personally weigh in on the ongoing disaster, called the calamity “tragic” but failed to offer any further condolences or aid.

In fact, when a reporter asked the president if he had “any words to the victims of the hurricane,” Biden acted like his approval of Gov. Roy Cooper’s requested disaster declaration would be enough to sustain the state’s rescue and cleanup efforts as well their spirits.

“We’ve given them all — everything we have,” Biden stammered after chasing a rabbit about the differences in how Federal Emergency Management Agency and local officials measure the toll of natural disasters.

Biden insisted that feds were “on the ground ahead of time” and even promised that his administration is “working hard” to remedy the category four fallout. Yet when another reporter asked if there were “any more resources the federal government” could devote to the millions in the afflicted region who are still without power and cell service,

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Will Secret Service Agents Protect Trump With ‘Queer Joy And Resilience?’



The U.S. Secret Service has acted with such breath-taking incompetence that former President Donald Trump, the GOP’s presidential candidate, narrowly escaped being murdered by at least two would-be assassins. 

What is this criminally negligent agency going to do next? 

It’s going to Disney World! 

That’s right. USSS staff are off to Orlando, Florida, next week for a taxpayer-funded, four-day summit on the LGBTQ agenda in the land of Mickey, Pluto, and Goofy. 

As RealClearPolitics’ National Political Correspondent Susan Crabtree first reported earlier this month, the Secret Service’s Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion was seeking “nominees to participate in “an all-expense paid trip” to an LGBTQ+ “Out and Equal” Workplace Summit at Disney World Oct 7-10. All branches of the USSS — Special Agent, Uniformed Division, Technical Law Enforcement and Administrative, Professional and Technical — were encouraged to apply, according to an agency email obtained by Crabtree. 

‼️‼️ EXCLUSIVE: The Secret Service’s Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion today at 11:09 a.m. ET sent out an agency-wide request (see email below) for nominees to attend an all-expense paid trip to an LGBTQ+ “Out and Equal” Workplace Summit at Disney World in Orlando Oct.…

— Susan Crabtree (@susancrabtree) September 4, 2024

Outcry, particularly from within the agency, has Secret Service brass changing course, however, with officials suddenly limiting representation at the summit to non-law enforcement employees, Fox News Digital reported late last week.

‘We Are in a Moment’

The leftist indoctrination summit, apparently a Biden-Harris administration priority as

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