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5 Tall Tales From Testimony Of Hunter Biden’s ‘Sugar Bro’ Kevin Morris



Kevin Morris, the Hollywood entertainment lawyer who fronted Hunter Biden millions, testified last Thursday before the combined House Judiciary, Oversight, and Ways and Means Committees. A just-released transcript of that closed-door interview shows the attorney said all the right things to avoid creating further legal jeopardy for the president and his son. Believable or not didn’t really matter because it would be nearly impossible to disprove Morris’ claims — and Morris seemingly knew that.

Here are the five most incredible tales Morris told.

1. Morris Gave Hunter Biden Legal Representation on Everything

Thursday’s transcribed interview began with Morris providing a brief introductory statement, telling the committee, “Hunter is my client and one of my closest friends.” Morris then explained that he first met Hunter briefly during a November 2019 fundraiser for then-presidential candidate Joe Biden. A week later, Lanette Phillips, who had hosted the campaign event, called Morris and arranged for him to meet with Hunter Biden about “some potential legal issues in the entertainment industry.” 

Morris claims that when he met with Hunter a week later, their attorney-client relationship began. When pushed on the contours of his representation of Hunter Biden, Morris replied that “in my job I represent high-profile individuals” who are “basically virtual corporations,” and “I oversee … sort of like a general counsel.” The Hollywood attorney added, “I am involved in everything,” and stressed, “If you check my retainer agreements, you’ll see that it says all matters.”

Of course, that’s what the retainer agreement would

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Top GOPers’ Surrender On Abortion Leaves Their Pro-Life Voters, Women, And Babies Out To Dry



There is a growing coalition of top Republicans who believe endorsing the brutal dismemberment and murder of unborn babies using methods that undoubtedly harm women will win them favors at the ballot box come November. Their false sense of security, which only comes by pretending to take an ill-named “moderate” stance on ending life in the womb, however, does nothing but eat away at their base and what’s left of our nation’s morality.

The Trump campaign worked hard, as The Federalist’s Logan Washburn recently reported, to “gut” the GOP’s pro-life provisions. The move — which effectively resulted in a platform that ditches the thorough pro-life promises of yesteryear in favor of okaying 99 percent of abortions under the guise of a hands-off “state issue” approach — is fairly unsurprising given Trump’s transactional track record on abortion thus far.

What is surprising, however, is how quickly seemingly pro-life Republicans rushed to support the themes of the Trump proposal without blinking an eye about voters’ explicit wishes.

Sen. Marco Rubio suggested to CNN’s Dana Bash over the weekend that where the GOP stands on life should instead “reflect our nominee.”

On abortion, Marco Rubio tells Dana Bash, “I think our platform has to reflect our nominee.”

On the contrary, the Republican Party platform should reflect the values of its voters and their enduring political positions.

That’s what grassroots means.

— Rev. Ben Johnson (@TheRightsWriter) July 7, 2024

Sen. J.D. Vance added to the dogpile on Sunday when he offered a full-fledged

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Leftists Get What They Paid For In Wisconsin Supreme Court Flip-Flop Allowing Ballot Drop Boxes



They say you get what you pay for. Swing state Wisconsin is getting the erosion of election integrity laws, thanks to a mountain of leftist money that changed the makeup of the state’s Supreme Court.

On Friday, just as President Joe Biden was slated to make a campaign visit to capital city and leftist enclave Madison, the left-leaning Wisconsin Supreme Court reversed a previous court ruling and endorsed the widespread use of absentee ballot drop boxes in November’s election. The ruling opens the door to the same kind of election shenanigans that plagued the Badger State in 2020. 

“Our decision today does not force or require that any municipal clerks use drop boxes. It merely acknowledges what [state statute] has always meant: that clerks may lawfully utilize secure drop boxes in an exercise of their statutorily-conferred discretion,” the 4-3 ruling states. 

But that’s not how the Wisconsin Supreme Court saw the matter in 2022 when the then-conservative majority ruled that widespread use of unattended absentee drop boxes violated state law. The court ruled that way because the statutes in question do not allow for the widespread use of absentee drop boxes. 

“The law’s requirement that a ballot be returned in person to the municipal clerk does not mean leaving it somewhere for the clerk to pick up,” said Rick Esenberg, president and general counsel of the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, the Milwaukee-based public interest law firm that filed the original lawsuit opposing the proliferation of the drop boxes. 

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Joe Biden Is Not A Decent Man



Even as they attempt to force him out, Democrats are still praising the sterling character of the president, especially in contrast to Trump. But that’s always been a lie.

As corporate media and a growing number Democrats try to force Biden to stand down — an effort that, at the moment, appears to be failing due to the adamant refusal of the Biden family including his wife, Dr. Jill, and son, Hunter, to give up power — the standard refrains heard on MSNBC and CNN debates about the issue always include the requisite tribute to his greatness as a president and his inherent decency and goodness.

We can dismiss the claim that his administration has been a great success, an astonishing disconnect with the reality of an inflation-ridden economy, open border, and a world in chaos on his watch, that is nonetheless ritually repeated regularly on the left-wing news channels. But Democrat partisans actually think they are on firmer ground in affirming that he’s a great guy — and therefore a stark contrast to Trump, whom they denounce as personally evil — even as they come to grips with the fact that he lacks the mental acuity to be the leader of the free world.

But the notion that “Scranton Joe” is a nice guy is as wrongheaded as the claim that he’s mentally competent or a brilliant leader.

A Record of Lies and Slander

The one constant about Biden has been his essential meanness, which, when combined with his

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