
3 Mom-Approved Tips For Keeping The Woke Mind Virus Away From Your Kids



Raising kids in an ever-increasing leftist culture is a daunting task. Not only do we have to talk about the birds and the bees with our children, but now we have to talk about the bees and the bees, the birds and the birds, the birds that look like bees, the bees that look like birds, and the bees that look like birds but still have a stinger.

There is simply no avoiding our confusing world as we raise our children in the Twilight Zone (unless, of course, we resort to cave-living). Katy Faust and Stacy Manning set out to equip conservative parents on how to intentionally raise children in their latest book, Raising Conservative Kids in a Woke City

Resisting Left-Wing Education

They both live in the trenches of left-wing Seattle where their children attend public schools. At school, they face backlash for being white, receive failing grades on school assignments containing factual realities, and get reprimanded due to their biblical worldview. Faust and Manning share examples of their rebel conservative kids dismantling flawed, illogical arguments from classroom ideologues (it’s fantastic!).

As tempting as it is to shield our kids from everything possible, we can’t — not when our kids quizzically ask, “Is that a boy or a girl?” at the grocery store or, “Why does Sally have two moms?” at soccer practice. 

This book, filled with humor, stories, and tried-and-true parenting tips, equips mothers and fathers with advice on intentionally raising strong, well-equipped warriors instead of feeble-minded, inadequate adults. 


CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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