
10 Times Biden’s White House Tried To Clean Up His Disastrous NAACP Speech



The White House attempted to cover for 10 different mistakes by President Joe Biden during a single campaign speech to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP, in Detroit this week.

An official White House transcript of the remarks shows numerous examples of Biden’s words and phrases being retracted and replaced with corrected spellings and facts.

When referencing his tenure as vice president under President Obama, Biden said, “Things were kind of bad during the pandemic,” but the Covid panic didn’t begin in the United States until 2020, long after Biden’s vice presidency. Biden’s handlers crossed out the word “pandemic” and replaced it with “recession” in the official transcript. That was just the tip of the iceberg.

Biden also said, “We’re cracking down on corporate landlords who [to] keep rents down,” according to the transcript, showing the White House further amended his comments.

Biden erred in pronouncing several words too, probably confusing his audience about what he was trying to say until the White House corrected the record. In the transcript, it changed Biden’s neologism “inspiresing” to say “inspiring” and “irrectionists” to say “insurrectionists.”

In another incident, the White House did not remove words but instead attempted to add clarity to Biden’s remarks. The transcript reads, “Folks, I have a better ti- — [idea].  I’ll protect it — Medicare and Social Security — by making the very wealthy finally begin to pay their fair share.”

One mistake was an egregious misquote of former President Donald Trump that totally

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