
10 Media Hack Factories That Pooh-Poohed The Biden-Burisma Scandal As A Conspiracy Theory



The head of Ukrainian energy company Burisma, who paid Hunter Biden handsomely to sit on the company’s board, told an FBI source he has 17 recordings proving he was “coerced” into giving the Bidens millions in return for Joe Biden getting rid of a Ukrainian prosecutor who had been investigating Burisma, according to an explosive FBI document Sen. Chuck Grassley made public on Thursday.

The four-page form documents testimony from a trusted confidential human source (CHS) based on conversations with Burisma chief Mykola Zlochevsky. In the source’s telling, Zlochevsky told the CHS he had 17 recordings, including two of Joe Biden, that prove he “was somehow coerced into paying the Bidens to ensure Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired” after he hired Hunter Biden to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.”

A scandal involving our now-president selling out his country for foreign dollars is nothing less than earth-shattering, but the biggest scandal of all is the coverup being run by everyone from the Justice Department and FBI to the compromised corporate press.

In any country with a free press that sees itself as a government watchdog and not a government lapdog, this would be a news cycle to make Watergate look like a case of stolen lollipops. Instead, the explosive developments have been making their way to Americans directly from the mouths of brave whistleblowers and in documents pried from FBI fingers by Congress. For good reason, Grassley didn’t give the FD-1023 form to

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