
10 Absurd Assumptions You Have To Swallow To Believe The White House-Cocaine Failure Theater



The idiots running the asylum formerly known as Washington, D.C., aren’t even trying anymore. Gone are the days when malfeasance and hoaxes were respectably cloaked in falsehoods that at least sounded plausible. Now, the emperor knows he has no clothes, he knows you know it, and he doesn’t care — in fact, he might march down the street and gyrate in your face.

It’s not a good development for lovers of self-governance, but there’s a kind of camaraderie in knowing everyone else with half a brain cell can see through the act. Besides, it’s obvious the clownish powers-that-be think you’re utterly stupid, and there’s a tactical advantage to being underestimated.

In their latest act of condescending foolery, they’ve flaunted what was either a shameless coverup or unbelievable incompetence in the Mysterious Case of the Teeny-Tiny Cocaine Baggie Someone Left Somewhere in the White House But That’s All We Know, Folks. The messaging has fluctuated from “Must have been a tourist!” to “Kamala?” to “It’s irresponsible to ask questions about this,” but the bottom line is that there’s no way, absolutely not, that it could possibly belong to admitted drug addict and apparent White House resident Hunter Biden — no doubt about it.

I’m sure they’re counting on some people to be stupid enough to buy the act, and I’m sure some have. But they’re counting on far more to be complacent enough not to care.

Here are 10 assumptions you have to gulp down in order to make the bumbling

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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